Sick. || Fluff

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Quackitys POV:


My stomach aches, my head hurts, and it's so cold. I shivered as I rubbed my eyes and sniffled, trying to get some work done on the computer that sat Infront of me on the desk. My boss schlatt came in, "Holy fuck quackity, you look like shit!" He gave a cruel chuckle as he took a sip from the bottle of voldka he had in his hand. I sniffled once more, rubbing my eyes again. "My stomach feels like shit." I complained, he walked over reaching into his pocket and brought out a pill bottle, he took two out of the bottle putting them in my hand.


"Take some of this, it should help you." He told me as he loomed over me checking my work. I tried to get out of the way to get water, but he pulled me back down in my chair and gave me the bottle of voldka he had. I looked at him confused, "just drink the pill with that" he answered as he continued typing and clicking keys. I rolled my eyes, coughing then taking the pill as I took a chug of voldka, soon coughing even more. That took schlatt by surprise, looking around at me trying to figure out how to help.


My coughing soon calmed down as schlatt rubbed my back in comfort, his concerned look still painted on his face. I rubbed my nose, giggling a bit, "I'm sorry- I should've gotten you water- I forgot this shits strong-" he continued apologizing, cutting himself off. "Pfft, it's okay, just- can you drive me home?" I asked, it was risky to ask him out of all people. He gave a small smile, I think he felt guilty for me coughing everywhere. "Yeah, sure Alex." He picked me up, I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling into his neck. He walked over to his car, setting me down as I buckled myself in.


Jschlatt's POV:


I got into the drivers seat, starting the car and sighing. "You shouldn't have came in if you were sick, Dumbass."
Alex yawned, "I called in yesterday but said I had to come in." he answered in a whisper, tired and sick.
"I did?.." I tried to think, trying to remember when he called in. He made a small sniffle, "I think you were drunk, you ended up staying in the office pretty late" Alex rubbed his eyes, speaking in a tired tone.


I felt guilty, I knew I was pretty fucked up towards others. Especially, quackity.
Quackity was drunk, and sick, and definitely looked like he was about to fall asleep.
I reached my hand over for his, clasping onto it. "I'm sorry Alex." I leaned back into my seat, my other hand gripping onto the wheel as I kept my eyes on the road, pulling up into his driveway. When I looked over at him he was asleep, snuggled in his chair.


I carried him out of his seat, and grabbed a key copy I had to his house. I opened the door and walked inside, I closed the door behind me and then layed quackity down on the couch. He made grabby hands toward me, "come- *hic* come here schlatttt!" He smiled, giggling.
I rolled my eyes, walking towards him and crouched down. "Yes, Alex?" I asked, he grabbed onto my face and gave me a peck on the forehead. "Thank y- *hic*- you for the ride" he grinned. "Of course, anytime Alex." I returned the smile, "how can- how can I pay-  *hic*- you back?" He questioned.


"You don't, don't worry about it-" I soon got cut off, and was pulled onto the couch. "No! - *hic*- come here!" I sighed, hugging him back. I kissed the top of his head as he snuggled up into my chest. He giggled, playing with my tie. "Mhhhhh, did you knowww, do you know schlatttt?"


He asked, "I am schlatt you moron." He looked up at me, "d-*hic*- don't tell schlatt, but I reallyyyy love schlatt!!" He giggled once again. Burying his face into me, I looked down shocked. ",,, Alex?" I questioned. "SHHHHSHSHHHHH!!" He hushed me, snuggling against my chest and hugging me tight. I could feel him mumble into my chest, I rubbed his back. I pecked his forehead once again, I soon felled asleep with him.


731 words :))

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