Chapter 15: Allies? - Ferns P.O.V

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I look at my leg shocked that it’s totally healed except for a scar. I get ready for training again. Today they will be judging us, so i’m hoping to do well. Except I think they know I can shoot because of Christie, again I braid my hair and put on a new training suite because the old one is bloody from my leg. I head down earlier than I should to avoid Christie. I honestly don’t want to be dead before the games even start. I’m so stuck   in my thoughts I don’t hear the girls from 12 come up to me.

“ Hi,” they tell me at the same time.

“Hi,” I reply back. “um.. What’s your guys names?” I question them as I study them I notice, they're identical twins.

“ Mya, and this is kyla,” the one I think is kyla waves slightly. I notice they didn’t say their last names then I remember that the districts have orphanages. But there terrible, then I realise they must’ve volunteered to get out of there.


“I’m Fern Rainwater.” I politely introduce myself.

“We were wondering if you maybe would like to be um… Allies with us?” Kyla asks. I nod hoping they would ask.

“Just so you know I won’t backstab you guys.” I tell them truthfully.

“We know” they reply with two beautiful smiles.

the 25th hunger games - a fanfiction by Dork_write_fangirlWhere stories live. Discover now