Prologue - Day of Abduction.

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Elliot and Olivia were first into the squad (besides Cragen). Nick rushed in covered in blood. "Amaro what happened?" Cragen asked.

"Amanda's dead, I-I found her body, IAB's at her place already, I didn't even call them they just showed up when I called for an ambulance" Nick said now in tears.

"Oh god" Olivia said grabbing her desk to steady herself. Amanda was her best friend and now she was gone, just like that. She tried to hold back the tears but they just came flooding down her face.

"Go home Liv. Get some rest. I'll call you if we get anything" he said and she was about to protest when he added. "That's an order" she got her coat and left. Elliot offered her a ride but she passed. She needed to think.

As she walked down the street in the frosty January air she felt uneasy, like someone was watching.  She brushed it off and continued walking. Once she was around the corner from her building someone grabbed her. She tried to fight back but he was just as fast and as skilled as she was. "HELP! HELP ME!" she screamed before he covered her mouth. A woman walking her dog saw and went to call 911 but the mystery man shot her.

Because of Olivia's struggling his aim was off and he only got the woman's shoulder. Police tried to get a statement out of her but she had forgotten everything. "Her screams will haunt me forever. I can remember that terrified look on her face. But I can't remember the man" she said looking down.

The team didn't even know Olivia was gone until Amanda's funeral when she never showed. Elliot knew he had to find her, even if it killed him. He wasn't giving up, not for anyone. He promised Amanda, he promised Olivia and he promised himself.

This is short cause it's the prologue. Some of you probably hate me! Please comment and vote! I'll update my other stories asap but this idea was too good to ignore.

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