Chapter 2. Talking

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Oh guys Liv and El lived together before she was taken. You just need to know that.

It had been 48 hours now and Olivia hadn't uttered a word, George said it was PTSD and that she showed signs of RTS. Elliot was finding things especially difficult.  He was constantly paranoid about what might happen to Olivia if she lost it. He wouldn't be able to take it if she killed herself.

Elliot's POV.

Olivia fell asleep in the car so I lifted her to our apartment and tucked her into bed before walking to the couch. There was a knock at the door so I got up and answered.  It was Dani. Oh great.  "Hey El, I was just wondering if you're OK?" she asked.

"I'm fine" I said going to close the door but she stopped me.

"I'm not" she said and I knew what she was talking about, I just didn't wanna talk. I knew I had to just get things over with.

"Dani. We were drunk, it was a one night thing. I don't feel that way about you"

"But.. El..."

"No. Dani. I love Olivia and she needs me now, I don't have time for this" I said but she was persistent.

"El.. I loved you. You and I both know that Olivia isn't capable of loving you anymore" she said and I know she was talking about sex.

"That's not what love is Dani.  I love her and if she isn't ready for that then that's OK but I'm still gonna love her and you can't change my mind" I said and she started to cry.

"But I came here to tell you I love you" she said and I put a hand to my head in frustration.

"Go home" I said and she stormed off. I just went back to the couch but I couldn't rest because Olivia kept waking up with nightmares.

"It's OK, it's just a dream" I said softly.

"He-he a-and I and-and then" she said in tears. It was the first time she has spoken to me since we found her.

"You're OK now I've got you" I said holding her tightly. I got up to leave but she caught my hand tightly.

"Stay with me" she whispered and I looked to her.

"Are you sure?" I asked, knowing if I were her I'd just want to be alone.

"You make me feel OK" she whispered. I climbed in next to her and she wrapped her arms around me. "I love you" she whispered making me feel guilty.

"I love you too" I whispered I kept thinking about what happened with Dani. I felt like I'd betrayed Liv even though I know that's not how it happened. I tried to put it out of my mind I looked to Olivia who was now soundly sleeping. I just watched her I tried to focus on finding who did this to her. Who damaged her so badly? Who broke her? Who's the one who caused her so much pain? I needed to know.

The next day.

Cragen gave me time off to help Liv. Simon stopped by briefly but really I was the only one she had right now.

I made us some food for us but Liv wouldn't eat, which I was worried about. "Liv you gotta eat" I told her.

"I'm fine' she said looking down.

"It's not healthy"

"No really El. I'm fine"

"You're not fine. When's the last time you ate?"

"Uh.... I dunno a couple days ago"

"OK well can you please just eat something. Anything. Even a sandwich" I said desperately.

"Fine" she said taking my sandwich and eating it.

"Hey!" I said pretending to be mad.

"Sorry" she said but she seemed kinda serious.

"Oh well come on we can get McDonalds on the way home" I said and she looked at me.

"Where?" she asked.

"Cragen wants your statement" I said and she shook her head. "Liv you have to" I said softly but still making it very clear how important this was. She just kept telling me she couldn't make a statement and I literally had to lift her out the door. I hated making her but Tucker wants it done. I wondered why he was so fixed on her statement? Why did he even care?

Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's not the best! More's on the way! Soz it was short but it got deleted and I had to rewrite so I was just like ughhhhh!!!

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