Hawkclear on side (Redtail)
Should I start doing P.O.V?
It has been a moon and Swiftpaw loves being the Medicine cat apprentice. She just helped Tawnytail give birth to three lovely kits, Ravenkit, a black with her mother's green eyes, Cloudkit, a white kit with his mother's green eyes, and Snowkit, a white kit with his father's blue eyes.
Swiftpaw walks into the nursery with moss to give to Tawnytail. "Here you go Tawnytail! I'll bring more before the moon comes up." Tawnytail looks up and drinks from the moss "Thank you Swiftpaw."
Swiftpaw walks out of the nursery and heads to the fresh-kill pile and grabs a mouse and vole then heads to the leader's Bush. "Fallenheart? Clawleaves? I have fresh-kill."
Clawleaves sniffs the mouse then picks it up and drops it at Fallenheart's paws. He then picks up the vole. "Thank you Swiftpaw. I'm glad Hawkclear has found an apprentice with a kind heart." Swiftpaw dips her head in respect to the elders then walks out to give a shrew to Hawkclear.
"Thanks for the shrew Swiftpaw. Why don't you get something to eat." Hawkclear asks taking bites out of his shrew. Swiftpaw looks up at him then the sky "I will. But I promised Tawnytail more moss before moonrise. Be right back."
Swiftpaw gets up and dips some moss and water then let's it drip out. She picks up the moss under her chin then heads to the nursery to find all the kits asleep. "Here Tawnytail." Swiftpaw whispers.
"Thank you so much Swiftpaw." Tawnytail mews licking up the water. Swiftpaw heads out of the nursery then heads to the fresh-kill pile and grabs a thrush. She walks to the tree stump and slowly eats her food.
Once she gets done she heads to the Medicine's cat den and finds Hawkclear sorting herbs. "Swiftpaw, tomorrow night is the Medicine cat's meeting. Make sure you get plenty of sleep." Swiftpaw heads to her moss den and lays her nose under her paws. "Ok night-" Swiftpaw yawns "-Hawkclear."
Hope it's not to short! Bywz!!
Warriors-A New Trail(Fanfic)
AdventureSwiftkit is a odd ball out of her brother and sister. But she doesn't let that stop her. She wants to be a medicine cat. And that is what she will do. But her father dislikes her odd looking self and her ways of wanting to be a medicine cat. Will sh...