Katsuki POV:
After exams. (Sorry I don't feel like making separate chapters for each one.)
Okay, so I think the exams for us went fine. Except having to see so many people break down in the bathrooms, roof, classrooms, lunch room, and hallways because they probably failed.
Anyway, they were doing extra finishing touches on the song, since it's coming out on Saturday morning and it's friday afternoon. We were also gonna do some extra training for the physical exam, I could care less if they aren't strong because my class won by a landslide without them here, though they could get chosen to compete against someone from another class. Though enough of that. We were going to the pride parade on friday, the day school summer break starts, and my face reveal would be on that Saturday.
Saturday morning.
The physical exam is on monday, the song is released today to calm peoples nerves. Hopefully the song does call their nerves, since the manager said it was a bit upsetting. Who cares though?
It's mid-day the song was probably released by now since none of us were informed what time it would release. I went on twitter to check if it has, I saw #Aces trending, I clicked on it and read some tweets.
Omg! Have you seen Aces new song?! It's awesome.??????-
The new member and Osoi (Random letters for stage name 😃) together are amazing! 😩😩😩❤❤????-
I can't wait for the face reveal! He sounds awesome!???-
I wonder how he'll look next to NV (Never Vanish, Jay), Osoi (Kusio), Sako the leader (Riki, childhood nickname), Nolu (Felix)!??????-
What'd you think his stage name is?!😩😩😗A/N-
I will change the stage name just give me suggestions😭Oh, I completly forgot they have stage names. Eh, I'll just go by my name(Give me suggestions and he won't :D).
Welp, seems it's already posted and they love it. My phone started ringing and I got it from the counter, Manager Nguyen, I answered.
"Hello, Katsuki! I tried calling the others but they didn't answer, thank you for answering." He said through the phone, happily.
"Uhm, yeah. The others are still sleeping or either their phones aren't charged. What do you need anyway?" I asked.
"Well, surprisingly, we, more like you guys, got invited to do a collab with Icy Fire! They are fans of you guys and saw your song an hour after it was posted. They are a debuted group, if you're wondering. They also called me and said they wanted to do game show or something, it would be recorded and the first ep would be posted on Sunday, the day after your reveal! Apparently they want to meet you all on Thursday, the day when you have a half day, that's all."
"Oh, okay?" We have a fan that watches our songs less than an hour before it's posted, and we have a collab with a group that's debuted!? "I'll say yes, but I have to ask the others if they want to aswell. How many people are in the group?"
"Okay, there are I think 6 people are in group so together that means 11 of you. They're also as chaotic as you guys, so prepare. There will be cameras recording with cameramen, they swore they wouldn't say a word on who you were though, so we're good."
Hopefully the others agree, they'll probably be nice. I should listen to their songs soon. "Alright, I'll make Jay call you later if they do agree, 'Kay?"
We said our goodbyes and I hung up, while i noticed Kusio walk into the kitchen.
"Hey... who were you talking to, I heard talking?" He asked rubbing his eyes, I couldn't decide whether his waking up/morning voice was adorable or hot. What the hell, Katsuki?! He's your friend!

Just a teenage member. (Finished)
RandomKatsuki Bakugou. A 16 year old boy, to most he was a kid with anger issues and problems(He also thinks that). He loves singing or anything related to music. One day when he went out to a practise music studio to relieve stress a manager of a, not ye...