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Let me get something clear, the wedding dress looks something like this. Except that the top is kinda a tuxedo with somewhat puffy sleeves. Kist pretend the picture looks that what I'm staying. And another thing, you may not remember but I had a lot of mistakes making the first half of this book, only a small part of the class had talked shit about Katsuki^^, regretting saying that most of them did now that I'm making this chapter.

But, onto the finale now. Enjoy loves.<3


"God, I'm so nervous!" The worried blond said, sweating bullets.

"You look stunning, what are you so nervous for?!" A woman from his highschool exclaimed to him clapping her hands together. A woman who goes by the name of Momo Yaoyorozu.

Who comes from a wealthy family and has always stuck by his side, since they met, ofcourse.

"Not that... what if they just back out on it last second?! And why do I have to be the one the walk down this damn wedding?" Katsuki stammered his words chewing on his bottom lip.

"Okay, first of all, you're walking down the aisle because you lost rocks paper scissors-" She started laughing to herself and shaking her head. "You really are still childish even at the age of 23?"

"Alright, okay whatever. But that doesn't answer my most concern!" He said slightly louder rolling his red-ish and brown like eyes.

"Right, right." She paused. "They won't back out last second, you've been together since the last year of highschool! How long had that been, 5 years! You love them and they love you. They wont back out I promise!" She smiled at him, holding both his hands in her own.

He smiled straight at her since they were the same height, both 6' foot.

"Thank you Momo," He hugged her and she hugged back even tighter.

"No need." Just then an idea popped into her head, something that might cheer up her anxious friend. "Wait here I'll be right back!"

Before the started male could respond clattering of heels and the shutting of a door, he knew he wouldnt be getting  and answer. Katsuki sighed and leaned against a plain dressing room ball, which was too huge and could probably fit like 200 people crammed together.

Momo Yaoyorozu

I walked down the long and well decorated wood hallways until I found a specific room labeled, 'Dressing room 2'. Carved nicely onto the dark wood in fancy cursive.

I knocked on the tall wooden door and heard an old ladies voice on the other end.

"Come on in!" She said softly but loud enough for me too hear.

I opened the door softly, inside I saw a fairly old women, who looked to be around 50 years old at most? And 2 other kids playing around, then they turned to look at me.

A little girl who looked really similar to riki but girl version and younger. And a bit who looked slightly older, around 12 or 13 maybe. Both of them wearing a light pink dress and very expensive white shoes.

The women who said I could come in was standing with her gloved hands together smiling at me, in a light blue dress with gold lines on it, along with diamond earing and gold jewelry.

Just a teenage member. (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now