A little bit late but it's okʕノ)ᴥ(ヾʔ
3rd person POV-
They were walking to the parade with Simba, the start of the parade wasn't that far away from the dorm so thank god. Before they even got to the front they could see so many decorations and flag.
Hundreds of different flags, saw people wearing signs that said 'Be yourself, love who you are love is love, don't give a fuck on what anyone else says!' Stuff live that. Saw people giving free hugs with signs on them, saw people in cosplays of iconic lgbtq+ characters, food stands, other people with animals small and big, cars parked that would be used later on. They smiled widely and continued walking.
"My mom is gonna kill me if she finds out, holy shit." Katsuki laughed to himself and Kusio leaned onto him. Pointing to a sign Katsuki looked at it.
"Read that sign." Katsuki read it and they both laughed.
" 'Don't give a shit on what anyone else says. '? Seriously Kusio?" They both laughed harder until Katsuki felt a hand around his waist, they turned and saw Jay, Katsuki blushed and looked down.
"Sorry, I saw someone staring at you." Jay said and Katsuki nodded.
"Somebody dressed up as Luna from loud house! I love her, I'm taking a picture!" Kusio yelled out and ran to the other person.
"Wait for me! I love her!" Felix ran after him quickly.
"Who the hell is Luna?" Riki asked as he started off into the direction they went into.
"I dunno." Answered Jay and shrugged.
"I think it's a rockstar from a cartoon." Katsuki shrugged as he bent down to pet Simba, his skirt sliding up making Jay get behind of him making sure people don't see.
A while later.
"Yawn." Kusio said and Katsuki and Jay deadpanned.
"The hell?" Jay faced him and Kusio looked up with a neutral expression.
"I'm bored, and hot, hungry too." Thye continued walking.
"Stop complaining!" Katsuki scolded him.
"Your not the one that Katsuki made walk around in black, leather pants." Jay rolled his eyes and Katsuki shrugged.
Lmao, this is short and overly lazy💀

Just a teenage member. (Finished)
RandomKatsuki Bakugou. A 16 year old boy, to most he was a kid with anger issues and problems(He also thinks that). He loves singing or anything related to music. One day when he went out to a practise music studio to relieve stress a manager of a, not ye...