Sorry, for not posting😅
I've been busy since school ended, going back from my mom and dads house🤞🏻❤
I'll update more soon, promise loves~Kirishima POV- (New pov 🧒)
I was on Instagram doing whatever I could do to find something and not funny not reposted, that was when I scrolled onto a video, and in the front there was Bakugou and Nimo. Nimo was holding Bakugou's hands and saying something, other people were crowded around recording and taking pictures aswell. I clicked on the video before reading what the post said.
It started when Nimo was holding Bakugou's hands, he was saying, 'I would love to spend the rest of my life with you, to wake up with you, to kiss you whenever I please-' Was he proposing? They haven't even know eachother for over 2 months! Wait- no, something about his eyes tell me it's just pretend, a joke. He's a good actor. This was when people started to crowd around them and start recording and taking pictures, Bakugou looked shocked and red in the face at first but recognized it was a joke. Nimo got onto one knee and started talking again, 'I love you, I truly do Katsuki, so I want to ask you, if you want to be mine forever? I already asked your grandfather, he said I could take your hand.' He opened the small ring box and inside, what I thought would be a spider was actually, was a Mayala Garnet gem! Aren't those expensive? Is this real or what-? 'Will you marry me, Katsuki? And let me be yours, and live you for the rest of our life's?' This seemed so legit, though I've known Bakugou enough to know it's a joke, I can see it in his eyes. Bakugou was staring at Nimo, realizing now that it was a joke, but I thought he knew before? Did they not plan this? Even so he continued on with the joke and said, 'I'm sorry, Riki. I'm already in love with another, that being Felix, I'm sorry...' Damn, I thought, eating popcorn that was probably stail because it's been there since friday. Bakugou hid his face with his hands, to block out 'sobs'. The camera's stopped clicking, and most video's stopped recording, the screams and smiles faded. This was probably one of the only people that kept recording. 'I'm sure you'll find another and you'll be alright... I'm not the best you could do, y'know?' 'I understand.' Nimo was visibly shocked Bakugou played along, I thought, as I shoved a handful of popcorn in my mouth, this is like watching dramas. 'But please, take the ring. As friends, maybe even best friends, I just hope this doesn't waver our friendship...' Uh, no. I'm his best friend. Bakugou put his right hand on top of Nimo's and Nimo slipped the ring onto his index finger, Bakugou's hand looked like it belonged to a porcelain doll. Nimo kissed his hand and let it go, standing up. 'I'm sorry, maybe we should take a break from this friendship, I don't want this to be awkward...' No! You're meant to be! ...Eijiro, they're pretending! 'I agree.' And the video finished. Seriously!? They couldn't continue? They're better be a episode 2?
3rd person POV-
Kirishima puffed and sent the video to the groupchat he thought only Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, the members, and Kaminari were in, but it was the class groupchat, which now had a few pro cops and some siblings, so it wasn't really a class more like an extended family. But he didn't double check and the video just sent. Him, not noticing it sent to the whole group chat, went straight back to scrolling through Instagram after liking the video.
Katsuki POV-
It was 7am and we were taking showers and getting ready, it's a 3 hour drive, and since we're in a city it's probably 4 hours, so we'll get there at around 11am. I left Simba with the neighboring group since they're nice and also have a 2 year old cat.
We were just waiting for Felix to get out of his room so we could go into the car. We packed the trunk again with stuff necessary and stuff to keep us distracted. Felix finally got out, and we made our way to the car.

Just a teenage member. (Finished)
RandomKatsuki Bakugou. A 16 year old boy, to most he was a kid with anger issues and problems(He also thinks that). He loves singing or anything related to music. One day when he went out to a practise music studio to relieve stress a manager of a, not ye...