Hello! Sorry for not being active for shit, but- I have to study for this ancient china/ancient greek thing we're😭 I dont even know what the projects about and my ss teacher had us prepare for a whole 3 weeks;<
Anyway, enjoy loves!|◇
They'd all just woken up and were just drinking some sort of drink to give them energy for the day ahead of them. Not just now woken up, maybe an hour ago at most.
They weren't as tired or hungry right now but they would be later so they had miny snack and were just playing game of their phones.
"What are we doing today?" Kusio asked as he shoved chocolate chips into his mouth.
"Canoeing mid day, maybe?" Jay suggested cuddling up more next to Riki and shutting his eyes to just 'rest them'.
"And then we could make S'mores at night! While stargazing!" Riki piped in adding onto Jay's idea happily.
"Hey, wait." Felix skimmed through what seemed a college essay on his phone before pausing. "Theres an open sky diving tomorrow, opened only on weekends! We should totally go!" He paused again reading more. "Jumping out a plane, a cliff." He finished before reading more.
"What time are they open?" Katsuki who was laying next to the grey haired asked leaning in.
Felix scrolled back up again squinting his eyes. "It says 9:30 am until 7:20 pm." He read out showing the blond.
"Yeah, we'll go. Maybe not tomorrow though, cause then we'll do all the fun stuff first and it'll get boring." The rest agreed and decided they'd go canoeing in a few hours, maybe at 12:pm.
"Stop kissing my neck." Katsuki mumbled as Felix stood behind him with his arms around the blonds waist, softly kissing his cheek and often his neck. Katsuki didn't mind the kisses on his cheek but everytime he went down to his neck he would bite down on it.
"Hmm..." He responded with. He bit down on the left side of his neck for a few seconds, then kissing it softly. Then he proceeded to snuggle his head on the neck of the the blond.
Katsuki sighed and then proceeded to make small snacks that they could take to the lake. Jay was on the other side of the table, also helping him. Felix wasn't due to him protesting about how people who were born with unique should be able to be lazy too.
"You guys are disgusting, I don't think I'll be eating this knowing that they were made by the hands of two people being sexual." Jay said sounding actually disgusted, he was making sandwiches separately for all the members.
"Bro, shut up." Katsuki responded playing around and slightly shoving Felix. Kusio laughed, took two of his fingers and squished Jay side.
"Ow! Stop that." Jay squirmed before pushing off the pinkette's hand. What they hadn't noticed was that a certain brunnete was standing by the archway of the kitchen.
"Alright, so." He paused and everyone turned to him. "What I have watched in the last minute has been very sexual and I wish I hadn't stepped out the room, but, I finished setting out the clothes and was obliged to come here." He finished, not disgusted but more disappointed.
"Shut the fuck up and help us make snack right now." Kusio responded looking just as disappointed back.
Riki rolled his eyes and looked into the fridge for some Gatorade and kool-aid pouches, sluggishly, may I add.
When they finished packing everything was set up in the truck, one of ther cars that was parked there when they arrived. The members has all changed and they even put Simba in a little skirt as she slept in the trunk above the inflatables just in the sun.

Just a teenage member. (Finished)
RandomKatsuki Bakugou. A 16 year old boy, to most he was a kid with anger issues and problems(He also thinks that). He loves singing or anything related to music. One day when he went out to a practise music studio to relieve stress a manager of a, not ye...