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Hello! Thank you for choosing to read my book, I hope you enjoy <3

shoutout to bellastanhemmings and eemmaal for helping me write this book :) love youuu

also, here is a playlist that kinda shows the aesthetic of the book:


1. detailed sex scenes
2. mental health issues - mostly self harm and eating disorders
3. physical and emotional abuse
4. drinking and partying

If these topics trigger you please be careful while reading! I go into a lot of detail about all, maybe less 4, but please please do not read if any will be triggering. I wish you luck while reading the spicy scenes. (I will warm you the smut doesn't come until later in the book but it is most definitely there)

Also Draco is kinda a bitch for a bit but he does get better with time. ✨character development✨

Every character other than Madelyn Willows and her family and other characters I make up are not mine. This book does follow the plot of the Harry Potter books but I do have some of my own twists as well. Without further ado, I present to you:


Enjoy <3


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AS USUAL, MADELYN GOT SWALLOWED IN HER COPY OF ROMEO AND JULIET AS THE VOICES AROUND HER TRIED TO MOVE INTO EMPTY COMPARTMENTS. She sat comfortably, with her legs spread out across the seat, and her back against the window. The small sound of the turning page filled the compartment as she turned her head slightly to read.

She didn't seem to notice the two boys coming in to take a seat. The redhead gave the dark haired boy a wary look, before he pushed him to sit down. The girl still hadn't noticed the two boys as they sat on the seat across from her.

"Hey, Ron." The girl looked up to meet a pair of twins to which she rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things. They were identical, both had mobs of red hair on their heads and dark, mysterious, brown eyes. The two looked at the girl and smirked, simultaneously, before turning back to the other red head.

"Listen, we're going down the middle of the train - Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula down there."

"Right," The smaller redhead - Ron - mumbled.

"Harry, did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this is Ron, our brother. What's your name?" Madelyn looked from her book and the boys, not used to this kind of attention.

"Um, Madelyn Willows." The twins smiled before they each offered a hand at the same time. They began getting into a fight like little girls about who got to shake the pretty girls hand first. This made Madelyn let out a laugh, as the two younger boys joined her. The twins finally started making their way down the small hallway, the compartment door sliding shut behind them.

"So, " Ron cleared his throat before looking back at the girl, "you a first year too?" She nodded at him with a small smile before returning her attention back to her book, signaling she didn't want to talk about herself anymore. "That's cool." Ron muttered to himself, taken aback by her being so closed off.

Madelyn was pulled out of her book as she heard the boy gasp and looked up to find him shocked. "What?" The other boy asked him.

"You said You-Know-Who's name!" The boy blurted out like it was the end of the world that he said his name. Madelyn, on the other hand, grew up hearing the name all around her. Although she had heard loads about him, she was never in the same room as him. From the stories she was told, she was grateful.

"Saying his name won't kill you, you know." She said, removing her legs from off the seat and turning to face the two boys. She placed her hands underneath her thighs and leaned in towards the boy. "My father talks about you a lot. The boy who lived. Although he talks about you in a bad way, you seem pretty kind." She studied his scar as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Uh, thank you." He swallowed at the closeness of her face before she leant back again and decided to look out the window. The boys exchanged a look before returning to their previous conversation.

Madelyn watched the train pass the fields that looked like they could run on for hours. She watched the cows eating grass and the birds flying around in the sky. The train suddenly came onto a bridge and she looked down at the water below them. She watched the ripples flow through and the fish jump out, doing tricks.

"Anything off the cart, dears?" Harry jumped out of his seat as the other two sat back. Madelyn kindly shook her head with a smile as Ron nodded towards his sandwiches sitting on the seat beside him. Harry came back with a handful of goodies and dropped them all onto the seat beside Madelyn before grabbing a few different things and trying them. Madelyn didn't care much for candy, well she never really tried any before. Her father was very strict with that and didn't want her to eat any sweets that could damage her body.

"You want any, Madelyn?" She cringed at her full name and shook her head politely as they sat there, eating all the candies.

"No thank you. Please call me Maddie." They nodded at her and she turned her head back to the window. She loved looking at all the sights and the sky, she looked out her window at home quite often, especially when it was raining. She loved the rain, it was very calming to her.

The compartment door slid open showing a girl with brown bushy hair with a bossy sort of look. Beside her stood a small, teary-eyed boy.

"Has anyone seen a toad, Nevilles lost one." Ron started shaking his head along with Harry. The girl's eyes fell down to the wand and Ron's hand and immediately got intrigued. "Oh, you're doing magic? Let's see it then." She sat down, ignoring the scared look on the boy's face.

Madelyn took out her book once again and decided to read for the rest of the trip.

A few compartments away, where the twins were sat, Fred Weasley's mind couldn't help but wander to the girl he just met. She was breathtakingly beautiful, anyone would notice that, but she had this mysterious feeling to her that he just couldn't help but want to understand. Her hair fit perfectly in the two dutch braids she had sitting on top of her head, and her curious, blue eyes eyeing the twins up trying to understand how they were completely identical. He noticed the way she was transfixed on the book that was sitting on her lap, and how she acted a bit angry when someone would interrupt her. The train started to near the castle and Fred couldn't wait for this year.

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