twenty eight.

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i decided to cast katherine langford as maddieyou guys can obviously imagine her as whatever you like but yeah also i love soft freddie and maddie scenes <3tw: panic attack and mature scenes

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i decided to cast katherine langford as maddie
you guys can obviously imagine her as whatever you like but yeah
also i love soft freddie and maddie scenes <3
tw: panic attack and mature scenes

AFTER A REALLY AWESOME HOUSE PARTY WENT WRONG, MADELYN WAS IN FRED'S ARMS AS HE CARRIED HER UP THE STAIRS AND TO HIS DORM. Maddie hiccuped as her arms were loosely wrapped around his neck and he had one arm under her leg and the other holding up her back.

Maddie was trying to have some fun at the party, despite everything that had been going on, and had one too many drinks. In her defense, George was the ones handing them out and he didn't protest when she kept asking for more. That was definitely something Fred was going to talk to his brother about later.

As much as Fred loved seeing Maddie with a smile on her face as she danced with no care in the world, when she started tripping on her own feet and sluring her words, he knew he needed to take her upstairs.

She kept poking his nose with her finger with giggles falling from her lips. Fred chuckled, staring down at the girl in awe. He loved the sound of her laugh and had missed it these past few weeks. Fred reached his room and used his foot to kick the door open before walking in and setting Maddie on the bed.

"Here, drink some water." He handed her a glass filled with liquid and placed his hand on the back of her head as she brought the glass to her lips.

"You're bad is so comfty." She plopped back on the bed, her back landing on the soft mattress and her hands entagling in his silk sheets. She giggled and turned her self to the side, rolling back and forth on the bed.

"It's the same as yours, darling." She pouted and raised herself on her elbows to look up at him.

"But it's really not." She rested her neck and it fell back and she was now staring at his room upside down. She giggled and moved her head from side to side, seeing the room move with her.

Fred was shuffling through his drawers, trying to find a shirt for Maddie to wear to bed so she wasn't in her very sparkly red dress all night. He would be lying if he said he didn't want her to keep it on, or even keep it on while he fucked her from behind.

He shook his dirty thought away and grabbed a shirt, turning back to Maddie only to find her not on the bed. He suddenlyn felt a pair of hands clamp down on his back and a tiny voice yelling, "Boo!"

Fred jumped and turned around with a frightened look on his face. Maddie started laughing uncotrolably, bending at the waist and placing her hand on her stomach. She came back upright and wiped a few tears from her eyes as she continued to laugh at him.

"You should've seen your face!" Maddie pointed to him. Fred crossed his arms over his chest and raised his brows, unamused by the situation.

Maddie walked past him and over to his desk, flipping through some textbooks that he was using to study. Fred sighed, still holding his shirt in his hand and walked up behind her.

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