Chapter 1

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Tw; This story will cover themes such as abuse, transphobia, homophobia, the f and t slurs, and possibly more that will be listed as the story progresses. There will be a trigger warning above each chapter that contains such things.

I accept constructive criticism and suggestions, so feel free to message me and/or comment if you have anything you'd like to say. And if you see a typo or anything similar, please bring it to my attention.

My pronouns are he/they so if referring to me in any way, please use those.

Chapter 1

It was another one of the average days at Camp Campbell, and Max was hiding in a bush, planning to scare David as the man was about to walk by with a tray of cups of worms for a fishing activity. He planned to grab his foot and make him so scared he'd drop the worms all over himself, and if it failed he'd be tripped anyways.

Anyways, Max was waiting in the bush, when suddenly he started having difficulty breathing. He started panting slightly, his eyes widening as he realised what was happening. 

'Shit shit shit!' He thought internally as he suddenly shot up out of the bush, panting. His eyes went straight to his tent and he dashed to it, gripping his chest.

He ran in and quickly closed the weak fabric doors before taking his sweatshirt and shirt off quickly, sweating and panting. He then quickly took off the five sports bras he had on to compress his very unwanted breasts.

As the tightness was finally off, he took deep breaths, falling to his knees and panting. "Fucking hell…" He mumbled to himself and groaned.

He glared at the ground, knowing he'd have to take the extra four sports bras off. It wasn't fair. Why'd he have to be born with stupid fucking tits and a pussy? It was all such bullshit.

He sighed and slowly stood up, grabbing one of the sports bras and shoving the rest in his pillow where nobody would find them.

He put on the sports bra, staring at the lumps of cartilage on his chest. They shouldnt've been there. It was all wrong.

He then put on his baggy t-shirt and sweatshirt, slouching slightly to hide his chest more. Luckily it wasn't too big so it was pretty hideable. He just had to make sure not to stand up straight.

He sighed and took a deep breath before walking out of his tent, hands in his pockets. He looked around, scanning his surroundings. He decided to go by the camp councelors' cabin and look inside, needing to go on his tip toes to look out the window. 

An evil grin formed on his face when he saw David still putting the little worm cups on his tray, and he ran back to the bush he was previously hiding in. He could still get the bastard.

Max crouched in his bush, grinning excitedly and mischievously as he waited for the ginger to come out of the cabin.

After another minute or so of waiting, the door was pushed open to reveal David pushing it with his free hand, balancing the tray on the other.

As David got closer and closer to the bush, Max's grin grew. He got in ready position, and once the target was in reach, he grabbed the ankle. "RAAA!" He yelled as he tugged on the ankle.

David let out a yell of surprise as he tripped over his hand, falling forward as his face went into the tray of worms.

Max cackled as he stood up, his hand over his mouth. "Holy shit, it actually worked! Hahaha! Take that, fucking Campman!"

David groaned out, using his hands to get his upper half off the ground, "Language, Max…"

Max continued to laugh, doubling over as he gripped his stomach. He shook with laughter, his stomach starting to hurt from how much he was laughing. 

David slowly stood up, dusting himself off and frowning at the worms on the ground. "Now Max, that wasn't nice at all. Now all the worms are on the ground. How are we supposed to fish now?"

Max was still giggling at his prank but mumbles out, "You can still use those worms, dumbass. They aren't all dead."

The counselor looked back down at the worms, about 3 of them smashed. Poor worms.

"Yeah, but now we don't have enough for everyone! What are we gonna do now?"

Max rolled his eyes, still grinning. "Just don't let me fish, and I'll get two more." 

David raises his eyebrows, not expecting Max's offer of help. But he knew better than to comment since he'd probably take it back if he did. "Fine… but you have to miss out on tomorrow's activities as punishment."

Max began to cheer at this declaration, but David quickly realised that was not in fact a punishment. "Wait! Actually, no. Your actually punishment is… um…" He looked around for ideas, but then realised the worst punishment of all. "You have to stick by my side all day tomorrow!"

Max's eyes widened, and he looked up at David. "....huh?"

"You heard me, mister! You have to stay be me for the entirety of tomorrow!"

Max quickly started listing counter options. "No way! What if I.. uh… clean the bathrooms instead? Or maybe make dinner?! Anything but that!"

"Nope! I've made my decision!" David says, his usual cheery tone annoying Max more than it usually does.

He groaned and rubbed his temple. No fucking way was he staying by that ray of sunshine for a whole damn day. "Ugggh… fine. Whatever."

"Good! Now go get the worms like you said you would! You've got some digging to do, young man."

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