The fall out

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Location: LaMelo "s houseTime: 9:47AM

"LAMELO LAFRANCE BALL, YOU DICK! " Lonzo screamed with a red face "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KISS MY GIRL YESTERDAY?!" LaMelo gives Lonzo a confused look "What are you talking about bro?" the younger moves to look at Lonzo "UGH I AM LEAVING YOU JERK." Just before LaMelo could reply, Lonzo violently threw him against the wall which was then followed by a painful slap to the face, again. "OW" LaMelo cries as he looks at Lonzo who is already packing his bags "ZO I DIDNT.." he runs to Lonzo and tries to hug him but fails...multiple times. "SHUT UP YOU LYING BITCH DUMB slag." "B-but Lonzo " LaMelo whined "Go get beat up or kidnapped or broken up with see if I care." Lonzo snapped, then the door slammed and LaMelo was left in his house alone.

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