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"Melo?!"Gelo soon enough ran through the door and just stared at me...I was a mess, I am a mess."P-please help" I managed to stutter out. Then they both ran up to me and hugged me tight... I was saved ... I'm going to be ok.. tears started to fall from my eyes. "Melo it's ok" lonzo whispered "You are safe with us" Then they both gave me a warm smile.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING HERE?!" A face appeared behind gelo."Alan." Lonzo scowled. Gelo took me back to his place while Lonzo and Alan.. they where gonna have a quick 'conversation'"HOW COULD YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME" Lonzo cried as he hit alan in the stomach "AH SHIT, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HE CAME OVER TO MINE FOR A SLEEPOVER!" alan slapped lonzo hard in the face. "OH FUCK YOU AND YOUR LIES." lonzo shouted as he knocked alan onto the floor and kicked his head till he passed out."Don't ever come near him again" lonzo sobbed as he made his way down the street to gelo's place.

Later that night..."melo what really happened at alan's 'Sleepover'? " gelo questioned. "Long story.." I held back my tears."lamelo you can tell us." lonzo whined while smiling"Ok... well basically..."I was covered in my tears just thinking about it.

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