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Alan had left me a black suit to wear for our 'date' yuck.While I was doing my hair he walked into the room, "let's go now sweetie" I nodded, I didn't love him at all.. I loved Lonzo ...Liangelo ...Tina- LONZO AND LIANGELO HOLY SHIT THEY TEXTED AND CALLED ME."Uhm Alan... when can I have my phone back" I shyly asked.. "Not now, come on let's go." He calmly said "B-but Alan" I whined .. "THEY DOESN'T FUCKING LOVE YOU LAMELO . LONZO AND LIANGELO AND TINA AND LAVAR IS NOT COMING BACK, THEY NEVER WILL. NOBODY LIKES YOU, ONLY I CAN LIKE YOU OK?! YOU BELONG TO ME, WE LOVE EACH OTHER." Then once again he threw me to the floor and kicked me a couple of times in the chest."I-I'm sorry Alan " I teared up "It's ok, now let's go" he smiled as we both left the house.

Location; restaurant 'sMeLL'Time; 9:46PM

We had been here for about 25 minutes when I noticed Lizzy and denice was at the restaurant toooo!!!!"Don't think about running off, I can always see youLaMelo" Alan said in a stern tone, I saw Lizzy get up to go to the bathroom which gave me an idea!

"Alan I need to go to the bathroom" I needed to get to Izzy as soon as possible "Ugh I'm giving you 45 seconds, hurry up." I gave him a quick smile and ran to the bathroom.

"Melo is that you?"
"Why what's the issue"
"Lonzo, why him?"
Someone else walked into the bathroom, guess who. "Oh LaMelo ! We better get going I paid so we should leave now" Alan put on a fake smile.
"Heh.. yeah we better leave now... bye Liz "
"Help me" I whispered to Liz with tears in my eyes while being dragged out the restaurant.

The journey home was silent
Alan was silent
I was silent

I couldn't help but recognise the frustration in Alan's eyes...

We eventually got back 'home' And he came into the room I was kept in.

"Alan" I screamed.

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