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Yeji's voice booms along the hallways making Jaemin cringe. The last thing he really needed at that moment was Yeji yelling at him as he tried to make his way to his physics class. Any other day, this would've been fine. Jaemin was used to it after all.

But what he had just experienced with Zhong Chenle, Park Jisung, and Lee Jeno was enough to put him in a borderline bad mood.

He can't remember the last time he had ever felt this much anxiety and dare he say anger all at one time, but now that he's feeling these mixed emotions again, he can confirm that it was not a pretty feeling at all.

"Mmmm, Jaemin what's wrong~" Yeji drags out the last word of her question as she tries to get a look at Jaemin's face while they were walking but making sure she didn't run into anyone as she did so.

"You usually don't ignore me like this unless you're either one, deep in thought or two, mad at something."

"It just so happens to be both this time." Jaemin mumbles in response to Yeji's enumerations. She wasn't wrong at all.

It was very true that when he got lost in his own head, he tends not to hear anything but the voice of his conscience speaking.

They both come to a stop in front of his classroom, the door wide open with a few kids popping in every now and then to get ready for class.

When they both look up (Jaemin from the ground and Yeji from Jaemin), they take a small moment of silence.

Yeji then turns to Jaemin who was giving a blank stare to the wall inside the classroom, and she bites her bottom lip before grabbing both of Jaemin's hands and making him look at her with a small whistle. Something she had been accustomed to doing since they met.

"Nana bear, I know something is on your mind or something bad happened to you, you're not very good at hiding your emotions." The brunette shoots him a small, kind smile, "but I want you to always remember that if you ever need to vent or talk about them, I'm here for you. Renjun is, too."

She pulls the honey haired boy into her arms for half a second before pinching one of his cheeks and Jaemin can't help but be thankful to God that he had given him such a friend.

After a minute, Jaemin finally smiles back at Yeji, "I'll make sure to keep that in mind." He says.

Now with a content sigh, Yeji begins to skip off to her next class and all Jaemin can do at that point is watch with a fond look in his eyes when she trips over an uneven tile on the floor and hurriedly tells everyone around her that she was fine.

Everyday Hwang Yeji.

When the girl is far out of Jaemin's sight, he finally walks into his classroom where he can hear the mumbling of some of the students around him as well as some of them greeting him.

"Hi. Jaemin!"


Jaemin has to stop himself from rolling his eyes at this one. Zoa had been saying this ever since he won the election earlier in the school year and her friend Jihan would always follow it up with a:

"We did it, Jaemin. You're the next president of South Korea."

He will admit that it was funny the first few times they said it, but they just sound like a broken record now. Jaemin usually lets it slide since they really only were just sophomores.

"Good morning, Na."

"Jaemin-ah! Look at this Pokémon I found earlier!"

Just his usual morning greetings from his physics class.

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