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You can't leave me. Even though I trust you, that doesn't change the fact that you are at my place and I can do anything to you. So I'll let it pass this time but don't you dare slap me again or you'll face the consequences.

You were taken aback by Taehyung's statement. You indeed were furious at the moment but you couldn't react without thinking because you knew he could do anything to you and no one would come to your rescue.
Okay y/n! Just act scared and make him believe you'll be staying here. You said to yourself and shed a few tears.
Taehyung went out of the room leaving you all by yourself.
You looked out of the window and found that it wasn't so high.
Hmm it's not that high. I could easily jump from here and escape from this dumb-head. You thought to yourself.
You were caught in your thoughts when Taehyung came back in the room with some clothes.
He saw you standing infront of the window and said I'd suggest you to not think about jumping from there and escape from here. That will be dangerous. And also, you can never escape from me so yeah... He walked up to your side and handed you the clothes he was holding.
Here- take these clothes and go take a shower. I've ordered your favourite lasagne. He flashed a boxy smile before leaving the room again for you to take a shower.

You rolled your eyes in annoyance and went in the bathroom to take a quick shower.
The hot water trickled down your body as your muscles relaxed. The tears you were holding back finally flowed down along with the water. You couldn't believe how your life turned upside down with just a little mistake. Had you not dated Taehyung, this would have never happened to you. But then you stood up, and wiped your tears.
I can't let him ruin my life like this. I will have to escape from here. No matter what- I will have to escape from this crazy man's house.

You dressed up in the clothes that he had brought for you. Walking down the stairs, you put on your timid face to trick Taehyung into thinking that you're mad scared of him.

He plated the food and you both ate in silence. He often tried to initiate conversation with you but you didn't talk much.
At last he got frustrated and banged the table with his fist making you flinch at his sudden action.
He held your face tightly and made you look at him in his eyes.
Look at me y/n! Why the fvck aren't you talking to me!?

You blinked your eyes in shock but still didn't say anything.

His frustration built up even more and he pulled you up from the table.
You will not eat until you'll talk to me like you used to do earlier. Go to your room and sleep. He ordered. You kept your head low and walked back to your room.

It was already 11 p.m. by now and he came into your room to check on you.
You kept your eyes closed pretending to be sleeping.
He switched the lights of your room off and went back to his room.

Okay y/n! This is the time! Run away! Run away from this crazy man. You said to your self.

Slowly tip toeing out of your room, you peeped in Taehyung's room and found him snoring while sleeping.
His snore gave you a boost in confidence as it confirmed that he was actually sleeping.
You reached to the main door amd slowly opened it. Walking out of the main gate of his house, you started running as fast as you could. There was no houses nearby. You didn't know what to do so you just kept on running as far as you could. Finally you reached the main road. You asked an old lady for a lift and reached to Jimin's home.

Oh God y/n! What happened to you? Jimin asked as he saw you without shoes, hair all messy and your breath uneven.
He helped you in and sat you on a couch.
He gave you water to calm you down and asked you about everything.
You told him everything from the start to end and saw his jaw clenching.
It's alright Jimin. I'm alright. You don't need to worry.

No y/n. It's not alright. Just look at you. What has he done to you. We should file a report against him. Jimin suggested.

Okay let's do this tomorrow. It's past 3 A.M. and we should sleep now. You replied to Jimin's suggestion and you both went back to sleep.

You were sleeping in the guest room when you heard some juggling of keys. You looked at the door and someone was trying to open it. You were scared to death so not making a single sound was the only thing that you could think of that moment.
The door soon opened with the person who you expected the least to see.

There he was. Kim Taehyung. The person whom you were escaping from.
He had a mad expression on his face. Coming closer to you, he yanked you out of your bed. You could see his eyes were dark and had a smug look on his face.

Told ya darling, you can't escape from me. Didn't I?
He smirked and covered your nose with something and everything went black.

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