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Taehyung went out of the house and you looked at your dead legs.
Anger filled your entire body making your blood boil as you realised it's all because of Taehyung.
How badly you wanted to slap him and take revenge for doing this to you.
You looked at your bruised body and every inch of it was aching.
You balled your fists in anger. How badly you want to take revenge from that fucker. How badly you wanted to make him go through everything that you had gone through but you couldn't. You pulled your hair and kicked your leg in the air in frustration.

Wha-what the heck!? My legs are okay? I can move them?? A wave of excitement and relief ran through your body.
You tried moving your legs again and you succeeded.
A wide smile crept on your face because now you knew what you're gonna do to him.

You immediately got up and jumped in excitement and ran to the kitchen to get those sleeping pills as you knew what you had to do with them.

//Time skip//

It was 11 at night and you were too tired to stay awake and execute your plan. You felt your eyelids giving up and ended up sleeping.

Soon a drunk Taehyung came in and plopped on the bed. He saw your tiny and wounded frame sleeping on the side of the bed. He leaned in and kissed you on the nape of your neck leaving some dark purple hickies. And since you were a very sound sleeper, you didn't realise any of it.

I love you y/n. But why don't you love me back? You know how bad I feel when you say you hate me? I hate hurting you but you don't leave any other option for me. He mumbled to himself hiccuping in between as he was drunk.
He looked here and there and grabbed a glass of water on the bedstand. He drank all of it and pulled you closer to him. He caressed your hair softly and fell asleep.

//Next morning//

You woke up and found yourself in Taehyung's embrace. You quickly pulled back and checked the bedstand. The glass of water was empty. (The sleeping pills were mixed in it.)
Looks like he drank it. Let's show you how it feels to be trapped and tortured.

You ran to his wardrobe and took out a few neck ties. Walking in the kitchen, you picked a knife and some tissues and ran back to the bedroom.
Taehyung was still in a deep sleep so you quickly tied his hands and legs to the bed post.

You slowly traced the knife to his jawline bringing it down to his chest. Digging it in his skin, he hissed in pain as he woke up.
His eyes widened when he saw himself like this. He never expected a quiet person like you could do something like this.

Y-y/n what are you d-doing? S-stop it! For the first time, you heard him stuttering. Maybe he was scared.

Why Taehyung? This was your way of showing love right? Don't you like when I give you the love exactly the way you gave me.
You brought down the knife to his palm and dug it in his creamy skin as blood oozed out.
Taehyung screamed in pain. You could see him struggling to open the ties but you slapped him hard which made his face turn to the side.

He glared at you with bloodshot eyes and immediately slammed you to the bed. God knows how did he open the ties but now you were under him. He was on top of you, choking you with all his might.

You slut! How dare you do this to me? Did you forget what I can do to you? He grabbed a fistful of your hair and hit your head on the wall. Blood was coming out of your forehead flowing down to your neck.
Oh look what do we have here. Some pathetic hickies... He made your face turn to his.
Who did you fuck slut? Tell me! That jimin? Was this the reason why you always ran away from here? Answer!!
You were confused at this moment because you knew you didn't do anything. You kept your head hung low when he grabbed your face tightly and said Fucking look at me when I talk bitch! Answer me? Who did you fuck with?
You yanked his hands and screamed Get away from me you monster. I hate you. I did not do anything and even if I did, why does it concern you? You don't own me! I will keep trying to run away from here. Fuc-
You were cut off mid way when he pinned you to the bed and started taking his pants off.
How dare you talk to me like this? Let's see who's gonna fuck you better than me.
Before he could even complete his sentence, you kicked him hard making him fall from the bed.
He widened his eyes as he now realised that your legs are okay and can still function properly.
Instead of getting angry and harming you even more, he kept laying on the floor and started laughing maniacally.

I can't believe this y/n. Looks like the fate is really in your favour. I mean look at this, the injection I gave you was 99.9% effective to make your legs weak but you're 0.1% of the lucky ones. But don't get too happy because no matter how much the fate is in your favour, your fate is still ME.
He got up from the floor and walked out of the room laughing.

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