you fell for me-elmax

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      It was Friday night and all of the party members except for El were currently gathered in Mike's basement.
      "Ok, what movie should we watch?" Mike asked as he searched through his many stacks of movies. "How about the Goonies?" Dustin suggested.
      " no,no we should watch Ghostbusters!" Lucas exclaimed. The argument went on for what felt like hours.
      Eventually Max intervened " why don't we watch something else instead.
      Mike has other movies you know" " yeah but..." Dustin started "but what?" Max retorted, getting irritated by the arguing.
      All she wanted was for El to arrive so she didn't feel so left out.
      Max bolted from her place on the couch when she heard a knock on the door.      
      She ran up the stairs and flung herself into her girlfriends arms. "Maxie!!" El squealed adorably at the sight of the redheaded girl.
      "Let's go! The boys are picking out a movie" Max informed El as she grabbed the smaller girls hand. 
      On her way down the flight of stairs that led to Mike's basement El tripped over her own feet and clumsily forward.
     "Ouch!" El muttered as her foot twisted underneath her.
     Luckily instead of being met with the floor she felt a strong, lightly freckled pair of arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close.
     Very seriously Max looked into El's chocolate brown doe eyes and whispered " I think you just..." She paused for a moment " fell for me" she finished, her face so close to El's she could smell the peppermint on her breath.
     " Of course I did Maxie. And I'll do it over and over and over again" El replied her gaze never straying from Max's crystal blue eyes.
      Max pulled El by the collar of her shirt and pressed her lips to El's soft, full ones.
     Their lips fit together perfectly, like two matching puzzle pieces. The kiss was tentative at first but grew more passionate as El's hands wandered down Max's back.
      Pulling her impossibly closer as Max's tongue swiped against El's bottom lip begging for entry. "Ahem" Mike cleared his throat getting the girl's attention.
       Max and El pulled apart both a blushing mess. As the movie started the only thing on their mind was the kiss.

Here's another cute elmax oneshot! My sister helped me with this one so I owe her one 😅 hope you enjoyed it. I love reading your comments, they help motivate me to write more 🥰

Ily all stay safe and be amazing


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