mine- elmax

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*Max's Pov*
Max woke up to a light breeze and warm sunlight filtering through the open window of El's room. This...this is when Max felt safest, tucked under a pile of blankets snuggling her short-haired girlfriend.
       El's head rested on her chest and her arms were wrapped around the red-heads  waist. Max sighed contently, admiring how the brunettes lips fell into a cute pout or how she made cute little noises when she slept.
     "El...El, do you copy?-over" a voice Max recognized as Mike's came from El's supercom. She could feel the anger and jealousy bubble up. Mike had blown his shot with El, she was with Max now.
      "She's sleeping Wheeler, go away!" Max said into the supercom. "Oh...o-wait, what are you doing with El's supercom?"Mike questioned.
       Max had forgotten that none of the party members knew about her and El except Will, who had walked in on them making out.
       "N-nothing, just sleeping over... Until you called, now go away" Max said and turned the radio off. Max turned to El, who was now awake.
      "Maxie? Who was that?" El asked in a husky sleep ridden voice that made Max's heart flutter. "No one Ellie, go back to sleep" Max told El.
      "Girlfriends don't lie Max" El said her brown eyes meeting Max's blue ones. "Ok...fine"Max sighed "it was Mike, he wanted to get back with you and I thought you would realize he's better than me and break up with me" Max said,her eyes tearing up.
      El listened, confused as to why her beautiful girlfriend saying these things. Max waited for El to say something, anything and smiled  when she was met with El's lips on hers. Max  responded, kissing El back.
      The kiss turned needy as El wrapped her legs around the red-heads waist, Max could taste the cherry lipbalm El had on.
      The girls  pulled apart, pressing their foreheads together. Max sighed contently, and was surprised when El lifted her chin so Max would look at her and whispered "mine" into Max's ear, kissing her once more putting all her love for the red-headed girl into it before cuddling into Max's side.

          - hope you enjoyed the first one shot, feel free to vote and comment suggestions.

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