Part twenty-nine

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After Draco slammed the door and walked out he came back after an hour since it started raining. He stormed through the door and went straight upstairs.

"So you're just gonna walk in and not say anything?!" You shouted
"Yeah! I am because all you do is yell at me or try to get me to whine in your face."
"UH- no I do not! I just try to make things better but all you do is get angry and make things 10 times worse! Oh I wonder why people hate you- wait you're liar?"
"No you're a shit talking bitch." Draco said aggressively.
"Oh so I'm the shit talker?! YOU get angry at the littlest things because your little heart can't take any pain."
"No I don't." Draco lied
"Okay just gimme a second to get my list of times you have got angry over the stupidest things. Here we go- one, just now. Two, 5 minutes ago. Three, back
at school." You yelled "OKAY! I get it you little sarcastic bitch. I'm going upstairs and don't follow me."
"Wasn't planning on following your dumb ass anyways."
"Jesus Christ. I'm going to my mums."
"Yeah see you later you little dick. Let's not forget about the time you killed my mother huh?"

Draco was about to walk through the door but as soon as he heard that he turned around and grabbed your throat. "Don't ever say those words again." He groaned
"Is that because I'm right?" You said whilst struggling in his grip. "Get off me."
"What are you scared?" He smirked. You slapped him across the face and he let go. "Just go. I don't want to see you again today. You've pissed me off so go do what you were originally going to do. Tell Narcissa that you have been a prat whilst you're there." You smirked "fuck you y/n." He yelled. "Pass"

He disapparated into the air and smashed through one of the lounge windows. The glass went on the floor and a peice flew into your hand. "Ah! Shit! That little cow."
You stammered whilst holding your hand as it was bleeding. You ran to the kitchen and grabbed some kitchen roll and then pulled the glass out of your hand. After holding your hand for a while it stopped hurting as badly "Son of a-" A man walked through your front door. Dressed in a suit and holding his wand.

"You're y/n I see?" He said slowly
"Um yeah? Who are you?"
"I'm a follower of Voldemort's, Antonio. He has sent me here to tell you that Mr Malfoy and his parents are in a locked up cell." He said.
"Lord Voldemort wants you to come to him or he kills them all."
"WHY has he got them?! WHY?! What does he want me to do?"
"Hold my arm and you will see."
"Um okay.."

You grabbed his arm and you both disapparated into the air. Smashing, another, one of your lounge windows. You and the man were travelling at a fast pace in the air. There was a black cloud of smoke surrounding you both as you travelled to the Malfoy Manor. You both landed down onto the Manor grounds and you could see that it was very luxurious and expensive. There were plenty of windows and you could see through the widows a lot of antique paintings and pictures. The man grabbed hold of your arm and pulled you along. "Ugh get off of me!" You yelled "Stop! You're coming with me." He growled "and what if I don't want to?" You said sassily "then all the Malfoys die."

He tugged on your arm again and shoved you through the door which nearly made you trip over. Draco was stood with his parents in a corner who were being held by other death eaters. When Draco saw you arrive he tried getting out of the other death eaters grip "y/n!" Voldemort was stood near the door. "Ah, y/n you're here, I thought you wouldn't come." Voldemort said. You stood there still trying to get out of Antonio's grip but he was too strong.
"I'd like you to do something for me and if you fail to succeed your little lover and his parents enter there grave stone." He said whilst staring at you. "Well- go on then? What do you want me to do?"
"Let go of her!" Draco shouted to Antonio
"Kill your father. He was a terrible friend to me. He was a person who was there for me but betrayed me in many ways."
"Well Hah. Um I would but the thing is I don't know who my father is. It'd be great if I knew." You laughed

"God is she not capable of controlling her sarcasm in the worst times?" Draco muttered to his mum. "She seems funny" Narcissa laughed.

"You don't know? Y/n your father is Severus Snape." Voldemort smirked
"WHAT!" You shouted
"I knew you'd get quite of a shock."
"How exactly is he my father?"

Draco, Narcissa and Lucius's faces dropped as they found out you were Snapes daughter. "Snape? Really?" Draco said in a baffled way.

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