Chapter 9

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When Acelina and Haela step into the Muggle dinner, Percy is already sitting in a booth in the back. Acelina had requested him to meet her at this dinner. It's in the middle of Muggle London, no Death Eater will follow them here. Seeing Percy sitting there in his suit, surrounded by Muggle teenagers who keep snickering as they look in his direction, Acelina can't help but laugh.

She had picked up Haela from Diagon Alley and her best friend had been shocked when Acelina had caught her up to her latest activities.

"My apologies for being so late," Acelina says when she slides into the booth with Haela following her. Percy looks up with a smile that falters when he sees Haela.

"I was a bit early. Who is this?"

"Haela Peucag, Curse-breaker for Gringotts Wizarding Bank," Haela introduces herself before Acelina can open her mouth. Haela holds out her hand for Percy to shake and Percy eyes her suspicious when they shake hands. Acelina notices the waitress heading in their direction and stands up to order at the counter.

When she returns with drinks and food, Haela and Percy are still sizing the other up.

"Haela has been my best friend since our first year at Hogwarts," Acelina explains. The suspicion in Percy's eyes hasn't disappeared yet and Acelina adds with a serious tone: "I trust her with my life."

Her best friend nods in agreement and nudges Acelina who rolls her eyes at Haela before turning back to Percy.

"I have done some thinking over the weekend. This idea is too big for only three people. We need more help if we want this to succeed. Haela returned from Egypt a few days ago."

Percy frowns and stays silent for a moment before saying: "Don't you think this is going a bit too fast? Hollie has been warning Muggle-Born since yesterday and only has succeeded in two thus far."

"'ey lad, I know more about this plan than you think I do," Haela says with a hint of anger in her voice. Startled, Percy turns back to Haela. Acelina shakes her head and sips her soda. Haela is a fierce woman and her appearance doesn't do much to reassure someone she won't hurt them.

"Hollie was right. What happens to the Muggle-Borns who do not have the money to flee the country? We can warm them all we want and try our hardest to make sure the transport to Azkaban is stopped, but what if the Death Eater manages to find them anyway. It will not make a difference if they have nowhere to hide and keep themselves safe."

Haela nods while stuffing her mouth with chips. When Acelina had broken the news about her plans to her best friend, the woman had declared her crazy. It didn't take long before Haela decided she couldn't leave Acelina alone in this and had come up with the idea of some kind of safe house. A place where Muggle-Borns are able to hide until the war is over. The location has to be unplottable to assure the safety of the people inside but Acelina has no idea where this place has to be nor how they are going to get something like it.

Acelina explains it to Percy who frowns.

"I know how to make location unplottable and if we make it protected by a Fidelius Charm, we can-"

Percy cuts Haela off: "The Fidelius Charm is an extremely difficult, multifaceted, and potent charm. It's not your Sunday-afternoon-charm which you perform with ease."

"Bloody hell, you didn't tell me he was so fussy," Haela mutters to Acelina. Percy's face starts to flush as he finishes his burger.

"We know this is probably going to be difficult, but it is worth the shot," Acelina tries, "Are there any people we can get involved with who you are certain you can trust?"

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