Chapter 14

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Percy's facial expression seems sticky-charmed to the front of her mind. Acelina can't get it out of her head the following days. It had taken a few sleepless nights and lots of pondering before Acelina had concluded it read almost as hurt, although she doesn't know why. Yet, every time she thinks about it, a warm and fluttery feeling fills her.

It's relief, Acelina tells herself. The warmth is relief. Relief that Percy cares about her. Like Haela does. Percy and Acelina are friends. Friends care about each other. Friends feel hurt when one is getting married off. That's it. Nothing more.

And yet...

No! Acelina scolds the tiny voice in the back of her head. No, it's relief.

She has to get her head straight. Now is not the time to think about Percy Weasley. Not when she and Hollie are walking through the corridors of Level Ten where the prisoners are being held. Both of them are wearing the guard uniforms Hollie stole and have made themselves unrecognizable with the use of magic.

"Evening," Hollie barks to the Death Eater guarding the Ministry Detention Area beneath the courtrooms. Acelina keeps her face blank as she nods a greeting. The man nods back, not looking too closely, and lets them enter without any trouble.

"You go left. I go right. We meet at the back."

Hollie gestures to the corridors.

"See if you find any of the Muggle-Borns on our list. Warn any others about fleeing in general."

They nod at each other before parting ways. Acelina watches as Hollie disappears around a corner and does the same. The dark-tiled corridors give the whole place a creepy feeling that makes Acelina want to get out of here as quickly as possible. She keeps her eyes open for anyone she might recognize from their files as she walks past the cells. Walking through these corridors make her feel like she is watched from every direction, even though not all cells are occupied.

Acelina expects alarm bells to go off, Death Eaters coming running in her direction, but none of that happens. It only makes Acelina feel more anxious. The only sound is coming from a sobbing woman Acelina passed moments ago. The woman was young and had burst into tears when Acelina had spoken to her about fleeing.

The fifth cell she passes contains a brown-haired man she recognises from their separate list.

She walks up to the cell and after checking to see if any other guard is near, Acelina gestures the man to come closer to the bars.

"Lincoln Shrew?"

The man looks at her with wide eyes but when his eyes scan Acelina's outfit, his facial expression changes.

"Depends who is asking."

His eyes have an intense and challenging look in them. After casting one last look over her shoulder, Acelina leans closer.

"I do not have much time but I want you to know I am here to help you. My name is Mantis. You can trust me but I understand how hard that might be. In half an hour, you and the rest of the people in these cells will be prepared to get transported to Azkaban. Before that, the guards will check a list of names."

The man nods slowly, the look in his eyes softening.

"Your name – like the names of several other men and women – will not be on that list. The guards will suspect an error in the paperwork. You will be escorted out of the Ministry. Once you are out of here, I need you to go home. Together with your wife, Mabel, collect the belonging you think you will need when you go into hiding."

The moment the name of his wife rolls over Acelina's lips, the look in Lincoln's eyes hardens again. Acelina ignores it and rummages through the pockets of her jacket. She produces a small piece of parchment with the name of a town written on it. The eyes of the man shoot between her and the piece of parchment before carefully taking it.

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