Chapter 19

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A surprise awaits Acelina when she returns back to the Ministry after the holiday. Apparently, Umbridge doesn't celebrate Christmas and has been continuing with her trials. Someone had taken over Acelina's duties while she was enjoying her break. The girl had looked relieved when Acelina returned back to the office, shoving a stack of paper in her arms before quickly exiting the office. A wave of panic washes over Acelina when she browses through the files, seeing the list of Muggle-Borns sent off to prison.

She has no other choice than to speak to Percy. If someone discovers the changes in the files only happen when Acelina is working, it could blow her cover.

Umbridge is at the courtroom all day so as soon as Acelina has completed her urgent tasks, she heads for Percy's office.

In front of Percy's office, Acelina pauses to calm her nerves. She has to take several deep breaths before she raises her fist to knock on the door. The door opens slightly after the second knock. Acelina's hands slid down her charcoal dress, flattening the material before she steps inside the office.

Percy is sitting behind his desk, two large piles of paperwork in front of him. Haela wasn't lying when she said he had buried himself in his work. The man doesn't look up as Acelina enters the office. The door closes behind her and Acelina has to force herself to breathe as she walks over to the chairs in front of the desk.

Once seated, Acelina opens her mouth but no words come out and she closes it again. Percy looks exactly like Haela had described. His hair is a mess, there are dark bags under his eyes, and he looks pale like he hasn't seen sunlight in days. It pains Acelina to see him like this and she feels the tears welling up.

"I'm afraid we both are too busy to be wasting our time by sitting in silence for too long."

Percy's voice startles Acelina. He has closed the files he was working on but doesn't look at Acelina, his gaze remains focused on the closed file.

"I- We..."

Acelina's mind is working overtime and she has no idea how to start the conversation. She wants to explain to Percy why she did what she did but she has never been great at conversations that involved telling others how she felt.

"I have been working extra hours to ensure the changes in the files belonging to the convicted Muggle-Borns won't be traced back to either of us."

Percy finally looks up and Acelina wishes he had kept his eyes on the file.

There is something unreadable in his blue eyes while his face stands professionally blank. Acelina feels her throat closing up but she forces herself to answer anyway.

"Great. I was worried when I heard about the continuation of the trials."

Her voice sounds strange but either Percy doesn't notice or chooses to ignore it. Acelina is grateful for either option.

Percy grabs several folders from one of the stacks and holds them out for Acelina to take. Acelina avoids his eyes as she takes them.

"Umbridge has focussed her attention on Hogwarts's students. Ever since Severus Snape has become Headmaster of Hogwarts, attendance is mandatory for all eligible children and every student is required to provide proof of blood status. She has already removed the students that haven't fled yet and is starting to convict them."

The face of an eleven-year-old girl stares at Acelina when she opens the file. The girl looks scared as her picture is taken.

"Dear Morgana, she barely knows about our world."

"We will need to discuss this problem in our next meeting. Perhaps Poppy will need to be transferred so she can handle the children."

Acelina nods. It must be a shock to learn you're a witch or wizard but to be handled like this moments later...

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