Chapter 14 - A Family Reunion

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A/N: Wow! It's been so long since I updated! But don't fret because I shall be updating more often now!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! I would've posted this yesterday, but I was busy farming ascension materials for my characters in Genshin Impact, hihihi!


(Years ago...)

Serena's POV

"Mama! Looky, looky!"

I chuckled as my little bundle of joy crawled to me, holding his favorite storybook. He seems to be showing me the page with a tiger and a wolf on it, and he's probably going to ask what those are. So, I immediately answered and pointed to each animal, "That's a tiger, and that one is a wolf."

"Wowf?" Seeing him struggle with his words is freaking adorable.

"Wolf, Ryan," I corrected and pointed at the picture of the wolf. Then, I pointed at the tiger. "And then, this is a tiger."


I shook my head and chuckled at his mispronunciation again. "No, Ryan. Tiger."

"Aiger!" he repeated again with more excitement in his voice.

"Aww... Tiger is going to be your favorite now, isn't it?"

"Wowf and Aiger!" He jumped excitedly.

Well, that probably meant he loves both animals now. Adam and I can probably take him to the zoo to let him see a real wolf and tiger.

Speaking of that beloved husband of mine, I wonder what's taking him so long. He should've been home an hour ago; it's getting late outside. His work shift is only until 7pm, but it's already 8:30 right now.

'That man better bring something good for our dear Ryan!' It's unusual for him to be late, but he always brought things for our son whenever he does so. Sometimes, he would get chocolates, which Ryan definitely loves, but I can't let him eat those at night, or he'd have trouble falling asleep. Adam really spoils our baby so much that I start to think he loves him more than me...

I'm kidding; Adam loves both his son and me as much as I love them. I'm just a little dramatic because being with the love of my life is just too good to be true. We've been through many problems, and thank goodness we managed to get to Maple Town and start a new and peaceful life.

"Mama, will Dada come home?" Ryan suddenly asked.

I sighed. "Yes, sweetie. He's probably stuck in traffic. I bet he's going to bring you a gift again."

"Gift! Dada bring gift! I want choco!" Ryan jumps excitedly again.

See how his dad turned him into a chocolate addict? Gosh, I swear that my beloved husband will get another smack if he brings that drug-like sweet again.

But little did we know that Adam will never be able to come home ever again...


(Timeskip to hospital...)

"Mama, where's Dada?" Ryan asks, probably for the hundredth time now.

But I couldn't answer him. I couldn't answer his question because I know he'll be devastated as much as I do. So, I tried my best to hide my tears as he played in the playpen in the hospital.

Ryan has been a good boy all his life; why does this have to happen to him? It's Adam and me that all he has in his life, and now Adam is gone. Why does this have to happen to us? Why is our life always falling down to the ground?

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