Chapter 5

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John POV

"Try me" Elaine said

"What?" I asked

"I said Try Me" Elaine responded

"I should not have said that, but it's too late to back out now" I thought

"Not here" I said

"It's that bad, huh" Elaine said Jokingly

"Yep" I said fully not joking

"Oh" she said

The nurse came in and ran a few tests on Elaine, once she was cleared to leave we went to my apartment

"Okay, now tell me" Elaine said as I say in the couch

I went pale

"Alright but it's bad" I said

Elaine sat down right next to me on the couch wrapping her arms around me

"It's fine, just tell me" Elaine said

"Okay" I said

"I'm a late bloomer, I didn't get my ability until late 8th grade. So when I became a god tier, I already had a good idea of what the Hierarchy was like for low tiers" I said

"Oh, did you have any friends" Elaine asked

"Yeah two good ones, or so I thought" I said

"Explain" Elaine said

"I will hold on" I said

"I had one friend since I was four Adrion, he nice always helped people when he could, but he was a low tier so often we'd get beat up by the mid and elite tiers." I said

"Then there was Claire, one me and Adrion were getting beat up once the bullies left a girl with green hair approached my and helped me up. Her name was Claire. Me ,Claire, and Adrion because inseparable" I said

"I have a feeling something goes wrong" Elaine said

"Claire's ability is claravioence, she saw
P me using an ability, she came to me to tell me about it. At first I didn't believe her, but eventually it started working. Claire and Adrion helped me strengthen my ability." I continued

"Once we got to high school, after a few failed attempts I dethroned the king." I said

I started to tear up. Elaine hugged me tighter and I hugged her back

"It's okay, you can stop if you want" Elaine said

"No, I'll keep going" I said

"Anyways I was a terrible king, would hospitalize people for just looking at me wrong" I said

I felt Elaine's grasp tighten

"I was out of control. One day I was on the roof when Adrion approached me. He told me that he overhear Claire talking to the jack of the school" I said

"What were they talking about?" Elaine asked

"Adrion said that Claire told the Jack that she had seen a vision of me getting to the king position and had been using me to get herself a higher standing and that she wanted to take me down" I said

"That's horrible" Elaine said

"Yeah. I didn't believe Adrion though and I best him to a pulp. I said

I started crying

"Then what" Elaine asked

"A few days later I got a note from Claire that told me to come to the turf wars field and that she had something to tell me" I explained

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