Chapter 34

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Tam's P.O.V. 

Just when I thought I'd be able to fall asleep peacefully, I was woken up by Linh's random screaming. And honestly, I couldn't even tell if she was scared, happy, or both. All of her screams always sounded so similar, so you could guess how hard it was for me to distinguish whether she actually needed help or was just excited about some random thing.

"Linh, you have to stop screaming every time something happens," Dex whispered to her. 

"But- Peeta just said Katniss was pregnant! Isn't that scream-worthy?" she asked. Dex sighed.

"Perhaps. But people are sleeping, so we should be mindful of them," Dex reminded. Linh looked around and saw that Sophie and Fitz were fast asleep and Biana looked to be getting slightly tired but was trying to stay awake. 

"Oops," she replied, "my bad!" 

"It's okay," Dex assured with a smile. I glared at him for few seconds before Biana snapped me out of it. 

"What are you doing?" she whispered. 

"Just making sure..." I responded vaguely. She didn't need to know that I really disliked... this whole situation. Why was Linh getting married? She was only 26! That was way too early. 

"Are you having reservations about your twin getting married?" Biana asked, making me wonder if I had accidentally told her somehow. After all, how could she have guessed- 

"It's really obvious," Biana added. If she did that one more time, I would just have to assume she was reading my mind. "And I'm not reading your mind. I just... I can sort of tell with these things, you know?" 

"No, I really don't," I told her bluntly. "Besides, it really does seem like you're reading my mind." Biana smiled. 

"Tam, it's clear to me that you don't want your sister to get married." I shrugged, staring at the screen.

"Why wouldn't I want her to get married?" 

"Maybe because you think that means she's going to leave you?" 

"I don't care about that," I informed Biana. But I didn't see the point in lying. Biana could just read my mind. 

"I think you do," she said softly. She moved a little closer and lay her head on me, something I would definitely not enjoy if it was anyone but her. But because it was, I actually almost enjoyed it. Okay, I did enjoy it. A lot. 

"But she's not going to leave you," Biana comforted. "In fact, you'll just get a bigger family if Dex marries her." I frowned. But how did I know if Dex was even good enough for Linh? What if he really was a terrible guy? 

Biana looked at me with her eyebrows raised, making me know she somehow read my mind again. 

"Come on, now you're just being silly." She pointed at where Dex was hugging Linh during a particularly gory scene in the movie. "There's no one better for Linh than Dex." 

"I just..." I drifted off. I doubted Biana could read my mind right now because my thoughts were moving so fast even I didn't know what I was thinking. All I wanted was the assurance that Linh would live a happy life. And as her brother, I could absolutely confirm that she deserved it. 

"Linh is in good hands," Biana assured me. "And who knows? Maybe you'll get married someday too. And I know for a fact that Linh is going to support you every step of the way."

I knew that for a fact too. I couldn't have asked for a kinder or more supportive sister. Even I knew I wasn't the easiest person to be around, but Linh never let that stop her from throwing us a surprise birthday party or talking to me when I was feeling especially... down for some reason. And she could always cheer me up. I supposed the least I could do was support her if she really did love Dex and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. 

"Okay, but I'm not going to help her with decorations or shopping or any of that," I informed Biana. 

"Don't worry," she told me with a grin. "I'm sure Linh will appreciate any sort of help you give her. But speaking of which..." She lowered her voice down to a whisper and glanced around the room as if making sure no one could hear us. 

"Linh asked me to be one of her bridesmaid," she told me. "Isn't that amazing?" I nodded. I didn't exactly know what that meant, but it sounded like it was a big deal to Biana. 

"Yeah, yeah, it uh... it sounds... cool?" Biana looked at me funnily. 

"You don't know, do you?" she asked.

"You really need to stop reading my mind." She smiled. 

"Perhaps one day I might choose to do so," she said micheiviously. "Such as if a certain person said yes to being one of the groomsmen?" I didn't know what a groomsmen was - not until Biana explained it to me. 

"So you'll do it?" she asked hopefully. I shrugged.

"Fine, I'll do it," I answered. "I suppose it won't be the worst thing in the world." 

Biana squealed happily and kissed me on my cheek before settling down again. I admit, it was a small kiss, but still... There was something about it that made me feel... something

Is this what happiness feels like? I wondered. I wasn't good at emotions, so who knew? It could be happiness or a weird sort of disease. But I had a feeling it was the first, because being around Biana made me want to smile, and that was pretty rare. 

And perhaps Biana was right - as she seemed to be about most things. Maybe sometime in the future, in the long, long, long, faraway future, I would get married. And I hoped the person I asked, possibly Biana, would say yes. And maybe we'd live one of those nice lives like in the books Linh always read. Something about happy something or other... Oh. Right. 

Happily ever after.

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