Chapter 39

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Sophie's P.O.V.

"I know, I know, it's crazy I'm here!" Biana exclaimed before I could get another word out. She looked around the wedding venue and smiled. "Is this like a wedding rehearsal?" 

"Um, no, it's the actual wedding," I informed her. 

"Huh... Crazy coincidence..." 

"What do you mean?" I asked. "If it's about how fast we put it together, well, it honestly wasn't that hard. Both brides wanted to get married as soon as possible and they didn't invite many people - only random strangers." Biana nodded along with what I was saying. 

"So that guy... He's only a random stranger?" she questioned. 

"Tom?" I asked. "Yeah, I just met him. I was about to talk to him before you brought me here out of nowhere." 

"Oh, phew." Biana grinned, and if I didn't know her as the cheerful, optimistic person she was, I would've guessed it was an evil grin. But surely she had no reason for an evil grin at this moment?

"Okay, let's go!" She grabbed my hand and started racing off again. 

"Woah, hold on!" I grabbed onto the tree to stop her from pulling me who knows where. "You can't just take me somewhere. Give me some context! Otherwise, it's kidnapping." 

Biana frowned. "I'm not kidnapping you. I'm just taking you somewhere you don't know against your will- Oh wait... Yep, that's kidnapping." She dropped my hand and started to explain extremely fast. 

"Okay, so when you and Fitz first met, he kind of left out a tiny, tiny, CRUCIAL detail." She didn't allow me any time to ask questions on what a 'tiny, tiny, CRUCIAL' detail was supposed to be. "And that was the fact that we were visiting town in order for my brother to find someone to marry within a week - otherwise my father was going to set up an arranged marriage for him! But then he met you, and fell in love, and decided that it'd be better not to ask you? I'm still completely confused by how idiotic the idea was. But that's not the point. The point is that he's getting married today to this girl named Julie, and if we don't get there in time, we won't be able to stop the wedding, and neither of you guys will live happily ever after with each other!" 

Biana was panting heavily by the time she was done, and I was just lost. Extremely lost. 

"Wait- what?" Biana sighed. 

"Please don't make me explain to you again," she pleaded. "I've already had to explain it to so many people in order to get here this quickly. I took a lot of cabs. The main point is my brother's getting married today and we need to stop him!" 

"M-Married?" I repeated, feeling slightly light-headed. If he was getting married, then there was nothing we could do to stop him! But when I told Biana about that, she had a perfectly reasonable solution. 

"Of course there is!" she exclaimed. "You know that part when the person is all like 'if you have any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace?' Well, that's the part when we chime in!" My jaw dropped in shock.

"Biana!" I whisper-shouted, glancing around to make sure no one had heard us. "We can't do that! It's a crazy, CRAZY plan! Besides, I'm not crashing your brother's wedding. I've moved on." So that last part might've been a lie, but... If I saw him again, I was certain I would never move on. 

"You- You have?" she asked, sounding hurt for some reason. "But my brother still loves you!" And that's when the room kind of started spinning.

"Sophie?" Biana asked. "Sophie? Sophie! Are you okay?" I blinked a few times. 

"Um... Um..." I took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine," I managed to get out. 

"Oh, good," Biana replied with a sigh of relief. "It won't make me as guilty for reading your mind." I rolled my eyes. I knew Tam and Fitz had both told me multiple times that she could, but I seriously doubted it. 

"Biana, I'm pretty sure telepathy isn't real," I told her. "Just a myth or magic trick." 

"This is not just a magic trick!" Biana protested. "I mean, how else would I know that you still are in love with my brother and the only reason you aren't agreeing to this plan is that you're afraid of getting hurt again?" 

"I... I... I..." 

"Sophie, enough with the stuttering. I know you're mind-blown, but we still have a wedding to crash!" 

"But I can't leave!" I suddenly realized that I was still at my best friends' double wedding - and their only bridesmaid, at that. "I'm Linh and Marella's only bridesmaid." 

"You are?" Biana whispered. "That's... Really nice. I can't ask you to leave that... I know how much it would hurt to miss your friends' wedding." 

"Oh, you are GOING to crash Fitz's wedding." Marella and Linh stepped out from behind the tree next to us. 

"Yes, you have to!" Linh exclaimed in agreement. 

"How long were you guys there?" I asked in shock. They were supposed to be getting ready for their big day, not getting involved in this crazy drama. 

"Long enough," Marella replied. "And we know enough to see that you have to go to this wedding! If you don't, I know you'll regret it for the rest of your life." 

"I... I can't!" I explained. "I can't leave you guys. Not on your wedding day!" Linh and Marella looked at each other for a moment. It seemed as if being brides and sharing the same wedding had given them some sort of twin-telepathy thing. No, not telepathy, I corrected myself, a better understanding of each other.

"Well, what if this wasn't our wedding day?" Marella asked. "Would you do it then?" 

"I mean, maybe, but it is-" 

"Then say no more!" Linh interrupted. "This is no longer our wedding day. This is 'helping our best friend find her true love' day!" I didn't know what to say. 

"I think the word you're looking for is yes," Biana said with a grin. I stared at her in confusion. I had no idea what was going on anymore! This had been a crazy day.

"And we'll come with you!" Linh added. "So you don't feel as alone." I smiled at all my friends. I really couldn't have asked for better ones at this very moment. 

"Alright then," I declared, feeling a little more confident now that I knew how much my friends loved and supported me. 

"I guess we're crashing a wedding." 

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