Chapter 29

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Linh's P.O.V.

This really was so fun! I loved dancing and I loved Dex, so this was really the most perfect activity in the entire world-

"EEK!" I covered my mouth quickly, hoping nobody heard me. 

"What is it?" Dex asked with a concerned look. "Are you okay?" I grinned wildly.

"I'm perfectly fine," I assured him. "I just noticed the most wonderful thing!" I secretively pointed towards Sophie and Fitz. Dex glanced at them with a confused face.

"What about them?" he asked. 

"They're kissing!" I whisper-shouted in the softest whisper-shout I could. "It means they like each other, Dex." 

"Huh," Dex replied. He was silent for a moment. "They do?" 

"Of course!" I exclaimed, before immediately lowering my voice. "It's been obvious that they like each other for a while, and this just confirmed it!" 

"But they've only known each other for a day," Dex pointed out. "Isn't that... Really fast?" 

"Tell me, Dex, how long did it take for you to ask me on a date?" I prompted with a smile. Dex turned slightly red before answering.

"Alright, alright, I concur," he said, matching my grin.  

"I expected nothing less," I replied back. 

"Is everything alright here?" Sir Lampton walked over to us and raised a quizzical eyebrow. 

"It's great!" I exclaimed. "Sophie and Fitz like each other," I added in a lower voice. 

"Ah, ze young love..." Sir Lampton sighed almost wistfully. "Well, you two are in good shape for the waltz. Beautiful form, really." 

"Aw, thank you!" I exclaimed. As great as it was to compliment someone, it was also great to be complimented. I wondered if anyone had ever complimented Sir Lampton. He really was a good teacher - perhaps a tiny bit eccentric. But even the most eccentric needed to be loved! And it seemed like Sir Lampton was seriously lacking some of that in his life. So I did the only logical thing. I invited him to our double wedding! After all, I already invited so many random people, what was one more? And Sir Lampton seemed really happy when I asked him, so I figured it was the right thing to do. 

"Um... Okay then. I guess he's coming to our wedding, then," Dex said uncertainly. I didn't realize he might've had reservations about inviting Sir Lampton. 

"Sorry, I should've asked," I apologized. "He just seemed so... deprived of love." 

"No, it's alright," Dex assured. "I love how much you care for other people - even if they're people you've never met before in your life." 

"I love loving people!" I informed him with a smile. "Now we shall continue the waltz!" 

About an hour later, although I wished it was much longer, the class ended and we were back on the streets. I had the most amazing time there and I was really glad Biana had thought of it. But the rest of my friends looked rather tired and hungry - never a good combination - so Biana quickly led us to our next destination: food. 

"Finally!" Sophie exclaimed. "I'm literally starving." 

"Yeah, and I'm figuratively starving," Tam said sarcastically. I jabbed my brother in the side as Sophie rolled her eyes. But she seemed more amused than annoyed. In fact, she almost looked downright happy. But I was certain that wasn't because of Tam's comment - it was because of Fitz.

"I heard this restaurant is SUPER good," Biana told us. "It even had a lot of stars on that site, kelp or something." 

"Kelp?" Marella repeated. "I think you mean Yelp." 

"Yelp?" Biana asked. "What kind of a name is that?" 

"It's like... yelping for help when you need to decide where to eat," Keefe explained. 

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Tam scoffed. 

"Really?" Keefe asked. "I thought that would be your name." 

"Okay, that's enough of that!" Biana came in between the two boys, keeping them apart. Then she opened the restaurant doors and we all walked in.

"Ooh, it smells so good!" I noted.  

"Right?" Biana agreed. A hostess led us to our table and we waited a few minutes before our waiter came out holding 8 cups of water on his tray. 

"Hello," he greeted, "I am Mark and I will be your waiter for today." Mark looked about 30 with messy brown-blonde hair and green eyes. I had a feeling I was going to like him because he had this positive aura... I couldn't quite explain it. But I did know that he was going to be at our double wedding! Now if only I could convince Dex, Marella, and Keefe of the same. I had already invited 5 people, I wasn't sure if they'd allow yet another stranger. Unless we knew him well... Then he wouldn't be a stranger anymore!

"Hi, Mark!" I replied. "Say, what is your job?" 

"Um... a waiter?" he answered confusedly. Right! I thought. That was pretty obvious. 

"What a great job!" I exclaimed. 

"Oh, thanks," Mark responded. "I like this job, too. I get to meet lots of new people." 

"That sounds like fun!" Currently, I didn't really have one job in particular. I did all sorts of things. Sometimes I was a swim instructor, other times a substitute teacher. I loved being able to try something new every day! And I definitely needed to add waitress to that list. 

"Yep," Mark confirmed. "Now, may I take your order?" It took quite some time since there were eight of us and we couldn't decide on what we all wanted. But Mark was extremely patient and we were eventually able to order all of our food. 

"So what's next on the agenda?" Keefe asked Biana. "Something cool? Something fun? Something dangerous?" 

"Nope!" Biana said. "It's more like a... calming down sort of thing. But don't worry, it'll still be fun." 

"Can you tell us what it is? I'd like to be prepared," Sophie said reasonably. I wanted to know, too. Apparently, I was a very curious person, as everyone always told me. But Biana didn't reveal a single thing to us. All she said was something mysterious, as I expected: 

"You will find out soon..." Then she grinned with a slight twinkle in her eyes and didn't say a word about it for the rest of the dinner.

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