Chapter 11

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Biana's P.O.V. 

"It all started when I got to the most luxurious and fashionable clothing shop in all of the town..." 

I raced into the shop, eager to start my quest for the perfect dress of the evening. I really wanted to impress Tam. 

Inside the shop were the most clothes I had ever seen in my life. And all of it extremely trendy. I ran from place to place, checking out all the outfits and such. 

"Hello," a worker greeted. "My name is May, how may I help you today?" I smiled. This place just kept getting better and better. 

"Well, May, I'm looking for an outfit that will dazzle everyone," I informed her. "I'm trying to impress someone," I added a moment later. I was never shy about telling people my personal business. If this worker was going to help me, she needed to know all the details. 

"You see, I've never met this boy in person, but I spotted him the other day in a restaurant. He looked so interesting and I wanted to make sure that I wore something amazing to dinner later today." May seemed amused at my full explanation but didn't question it. 

"I see, and what color are you going for?" she asked. "I would say purple would suit your skin tone the most." I grinned. This lady really did know her stuff. 

"Purple sounds lovely," I told her. May smiled and she led me to a section full of purple gowns. They ranged from short and silky to floor-length and lots of ruffles. They were all beautiful, but this one dress, in particular, caught my eye. 

It was a rich shade of ombre royal purple, made of soft fabric. The dress was off the shoulder and had a sweetheart neckline which started off dark royal purple, then gradually became light royal purple - yes there were multiple shades to royal purple. Not to mention the entire bottom part was flowy and swished softly against the breeze, dotted with small sparkly diamonds that were barely noticeable so it seemed like the dress just sparkled on its own. It was glorious but not too fancy for a dinner. I especially loved the-

"BIANA!" Fitz exclaimed. "Can you get on with it? We don't have all day!" I rolled my eyes. 

"I was in the middle of my description! It was a beautiful dress. I'll have to get it when I get outta here." I then nervously giggled under the guard's accusing stare. "I mean, pay for it, of course. I would never shoplift on purpose! I know that now." Fitz raised an eyebrow. 

"So you didn't know that before?" he asked. I shook my head. I really, honestly didn't think that I had shoplifted. "Okay, just continue the story please - and a little faster this time." I nodded and started off just after I had picked the dress and went over to wait in line for the cash register. 

"Thanks for helping me out!" I told May. Then I walked over to the cash register and waited patiently for my turn. Of course, once I got there, I soon realized this worker was not nearly as friendly as May. 

"Cash or Apple Pay?" she asked in a monotone voice, not even bothering to meet my eyes like a proper person should in a conversation. I chose to ignore it and instead looked in my purse, but I didn't have any cash! So I decided to try the whole apple pay system. I had brought an apple along with a sandwich in case I got hungry while I was shopping - which happened more often than you'd think. 

I figured an apple might not be enough, so I left the sandwich there too, and then grabbed the dress and walked out of the store. But right when I did, red lights started blinking and there were these loud sirens! Next thing I know, two random guys start chasing me! I mean, can you really blame me for running away? What else was I supposed to do? Just wait while these two huge guys catch up with me and does who knows what? It looked a lot like I was about to get mugged, so I just ran and ran and ran. Eventually, they caught up with me, but it took them a while - I would've expected them to be faster. They put these cuffs around my hand, took me to this jail, and then told me to wait in this jail cell while they called you, Fitzy. And then you arrived about 10 minutes later. 

As I finished my story, I let out a deep breath and glanced at the guard and my brother. I really hoped they believed me because it was the absolute, honest truth. 

"...So you're telling me that when a worker said 'Apple Pay' you thought they meant a literal apple?" Fitz asked incredulously. 

"What else would it be?" I asked with a huff. Why in the world would Apple Pay, not be paying with apples? The guard sighed loudly and grabbed the keys from his belt. 

"Sounds like your sister is just extremely ignorant. Teach her some basics, won't you?" the guard told Fitz. 

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "I'm right here, you know?" 

"Not anymore," the guard murmured, opening the jail cell. 

"YAY! I'M FREE!" I shouted, then ran out the police station. Fitz caught up with me a minute later, holding my belongings. 

"Okay, let's go," he sighed. I put on my jacket since it was absolutely freezing before talking to my brother in the car. 

"Why the glum face, brother?" Fitz shook his head. 

"Nothing," he replied unconvincingly. 

"Fitzy, I just got out of jail. There's nothing I can't handle! Tell me what's wrong!" Fitz sighed multiple times before finally telling me what was wrong. 

"We missed dinner," he told me. 

"I just got out of jail and you're sad that we missed dinner?" I questioned. 

"It was going to be a really great dinner!" he protested. "Did you forget about how we were supposed to meet up with Sophie and Dex and their friends?" 

And Tam, I realized in my head. I couldn't let this happen! We only had a few days before we had to leave, and we were going to make the most of it. Starting by arranging something very special for everyone on Saturday... 

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