z z

15 1 0

I remember when I'd first met you ..
you'd been a year older than me
& told me you would always prefer
coffee over tea because tea was my favorite & you'd always believed opposites attracted ..
I still remember the look on your face
seven months later as you downed a whole cup of tea because it's what she liked .. & she'd believed in order for people to be together, they had to be alike in every way .
I remember the last time I saw you,
you're hair was shorter than normal,
you got a lot taller,
you finally learned how to dress,
& you were with her .
we'd made eye contact for four seconds
& I could see it in your eyes,
you hadn't remembered me ..
but the way your lips quirked up into a smile, & the way you shoved your hands into the pockets of your jeans the way you always did, I could tell there was still a piece of me inside of you ..
I think I remember that last day as much as I do because of the way you'd looked back at me before she'd pulled you away .
damnit, you were always so enthusiastic to see me, & maybe it was the fact that it'd been four years since we'd seen each other, or the fact that my hair isn't the same color & you were always so used to it being curly, & oh boy does four years change a person .

you'd known it was me for a split second & I'm not sure what ran through your head those last few seconds before you walked away, but you'd turned around one last time to glimpse at me before she'd pulled you away entirely, & I swear I'll never forget the way you ran your fingers through your hair & how you always managed to smell like peppermint ..
I'll never forget the way you'd told me I was all you needed .. & I'll always wonder if you still think I prefer coffee over tea & think my laugh is still the best thing you'd ever heard .. I don't, by the way, after you'd left, mother caught me drinking tea more often & she'd blamed you for it ..I'd only ever smile at her, because I could never blame you for such things .. you'd always been the ocean to me, & though I was only ever a puddle to you, I'd still choose you over anyone .. because you're my ocean .. & you always will be .

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