Now Playing; มุม/ Corner

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heavily insp by 'the best story' bc yinwar is love :)

clarity elements is added here too :)



they do not know each other


มุม [1/4]

when someone approaches you and asks you who do you want to meet while listening to love songs, what would you do?

in wonwoo's case, was to impulsively say, 'you' to the person who had asked him that


Now Playing:  มุม- War Wanarat x Tik Playground


◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹

Volume: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%


If someone asks, "who do you want to meet one day?"

Wonwoo would definitely blush a deep red, even if he says that he doesn't want to meet anyone.

"Who is that person on your mind?" Seungcheol leaned over Wonwoo's desk as he noticed Wonwoo smiling at his phone, scrolling through Instagram, struggling with the decision to whether like Mingyu's post, or to leave it as it is.

Wonwoo's expression changed to the straight face, as he covered the screen of his phone with the desk, "why are you asking?"

"You've been like that for a while now," Seungcheol explained.

"A few days, actually," Junhui corrected.

"I don't like anyone," Wonwoo stated, before leaning back into his chair, crossing his legs as he stretched them. Unlocking his phone again to continue scrolling on Instagram.

"No one said anything about liking someone," Seungcheol corrected Wonwoo, looking at him slyly as he played with the pen within his fingers.

"And that is, something someone would say when they have a crush on someone, usually," Junhui added as he slammed both his hands on Wonwoo's table, gently, as he and Seungcheol tried to get something out of Wonwoo.

"Usually," Wonwoo quoted Junhui as he squinted his eyes, before shaking his head, adverting his attention back to his phone, refreshing his feed to see a pink outline around min9yu_k's icon. Heart immediately racing, Wonwoo shakily pressed on the story.

"Eeee," Seungcheol randomly made a noise, "but you're not a normal person,"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Wonwoo glared at Seungcheol, letting out a sigh of laughter, spirits already lowered from min9yu_k's Instagram story.

"You stand out, a lot,"


"You have talent?" Junhui reasoned in a questioning tone.

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