The Destroyer

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3rd POV:

Klaus is currently talking to Cassie (or Esther, but not that he knows) about why she is making new moonlight rings for the wolves. She explains how if witches and wolves unite, it would level the playing field against the vampires.

"Creatures such as you will always hate the living, and so we will always have to defend ourselves. The rings level the playing field. If we are united, nothing can stand against us." Esther says confidently.

Klaus scoffs. "It's an ambitious strategy. Allow me to offer a few words of advice, if I may be so bold. New Orleans is a vicious place, and your enemies are everywhere. Behind your back. Before your eyes. In the shadows." He says with a smirk.

"You will need to remain vigilant against those who would seek to destroy you. Some of whom you may never see coming." He adds.

"I've already begun to take precautions. And what makes you think you and your family can take me on alone." Esther retorts. Klaus sits back and smiles. Which then turns into a smirk that sends chills down Esthers spine.

"What makes you think we came alone."

Stiles POV:

I'm sitting here, BBQ sau- wait never mind. I'm sitting at Rousseau's overlooking Kol's get together with Davina. I watch as she leaves to get a phone call and I find it a perfect opportunity to speak with him. Just as I am about to reach his table a man grasps his shoulder and whispers to him. "Finn Mikaelson."

I pull up a chair as Kol looks at me wide-eyed and Finn looks confused. "Come on Isaac. Still trying to get her attention... Oh, hey Finn. Anyway, I felt as if we needed to talk more after our little chat." I say smirking.

Finn looks fearful and Kol... well Kol is smiling at his brother's expression and giving me thanks with his eyes. Finn, still looking fearful, doesn't say anything and just vanishes from the bar.

"Aww, off to go cry to mummy I suppose." Kol quips causing me to laugh.

A few minutes later everyone starts leaving suddenly. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but before I can question it Davina comes back in.

"Isaac, what's happening?" She asks.

"Some fellow just announced they were closing for a private party." He says looking around at everyone.

"You two should leave, now." I say causing them both to look at me. Davina looks cautious of my presence.

"Why, what's going on?" Kol questions. I lean in to whisper so Davina can't hear.

"Werewolves.... and Mikael." I tell him. He looks at me shocked.

"Sup, I'm Stiles." I say to Davina offering my hand. Hesitantly she shakes it and jumps slightly when a shock goes through her veins. I feel the same but ignore it due to the situation.

"He's right. We need to leave." She says. As she turns, she gets blocked of by a werewolf. Instantly she raises her hand and drops him. Causing me to whistle in appreciation.

"Wow, can you do that with the rest of them?" Kol wonders.

"Not all at once." She steps back in fear.

A wolf shoves her to the floor and instantly Isaac shoves the wolf back but is thrown across the room. She looks at me for help but I just hold up my finger signalling a minute. She starts chanting and rubbing her wrist causing me to smirk.

"Showtime." I say, I start decapitating and ripping apart the wolves. I hear grunting and killing going on behind me, but I ignore it focusing on the targets in front of me. A wolf runs after Davina and knocks her bracelet off. Mikael takes notice and stops his onslaught.

"Well, now. What an interesting turn of events. I'm going to enjoy this girl." Mikael rushes towards Davina and is about to sink his teeth into her but I throw him off. As I do Elijah rushes into the bar.

"Father?" He asks in shock.

"Hello son. I'd hoped to see your brother first, but we have some unfinished business." Mikael states walking forward. I help Davina stand and have her lean against the bar.

As Elijah is about to swing, I catch his arm and shove him back. "Mikael." I say through gritted teeth.

"Hello Mieczyslaw." He replies grinning proudly.

Fuelled with rage I throw him against the wall and punch him repeatedly. He drops on one knee and before he can catch his breath, I boot him in the face sending him crashing across the room.

"Thats more my mom you son of a bitch." I tell him seething with rage. I notice Marcel out if the corner of my eye throw a bracelet to Davina and it seems Mikael took notice as well. He rushes towards her, but Davina holds out the bracelet and orders him to stop. He has no choice but to leave as Marcel and Elijah look at her in shock and disappointment.

"You alright Isaac." I say to Kol helping him stand.

"Sure am mate." He replies before walking out."

Later that night

I'm standing in the dining room with Klaus and Elijah. Klaus is talking about how the witch Cassie is actually their mother, Esther.

"I'm going to kill her. I will boil her bones and feed them to the dogs, if that's what it takes." Klaus rambles.

"Can I help." I say. Elijah just glares at me and sighs.

"Niklaus." He mutters, holding the bridge of his nose.

"What? What could possibly be more important than the return of our mother?" Klaus asks.

"Our father." Elijah tells him and Klaus just stops, frozen.

"I saw him standing there in the flesh as you do now. He was enslaved with some spell cast by Davina. He holds the stake." Elijah reveals. He must of saw it in his jacket when I whooped his ass.

"If she chooses to release him......" he starts.

"Well then there's only one question we need to ask, isn't there? Which of our parents do we kill first?" Klaus says.

"May I offer an idea." I saw chiming in. The two look at me and signal for me to continue.

"Why doesn't Elijah, Hayley, and the vampires, deal with Esther and her kennel full of mutts. And Klaus and I deal with Mikael. Oh, and as for him having the stake..." I say before placing the stake out on the table. The two look at me in shock.

"Last thing... if any of you bring any harm to Davina. I won't hesitate to do to you what I did to those wolves last night." I state before walking out.

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