The Day it All Fell Apart

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Mystic falls
1 year ago

Stiles POV:

I'm currently driving to a small town, Mystic Falls. To visit my mom. She moved there after she left my dad and only recently got in contact with me. We have been messaging back and forth constantly and now that its summer, Scott became an Alpha and the pack can finally have a break, I figured it's time to go visit.

I arrive at a house near the centre of town that's a bit bigger than my house in Beacon Hills. Hesitantly I exit Roscoe and make my way to the front door. I ring the doorbell and after a few seconds I can hear clattering and stuff falling from inside. The door swings open and there's stands my mom.

"He-Hey mom." I greet feeling pretty awkward. "Stiles, Hi. You've gotten so big." She pulls me into a quick hug and cups my face.

"Come in, come in." She ushers me inside and I see quite a few objects scattered across the floor.

"Sorry about that. When I heard the doorbell, I knew it was you and I get pretty clumsy when excited." She confesses rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

"I do that as well." I tell her smiling slightly. She smiles brightly back at me and ushers me into the living room.

We get to catching up and I gotta say, we are extremely alike. She offers to take me to this place, 'The Mystic Grill'. And I accept.

We arrive and its quite empty except for a few people drinking or eating. We sit at a table near the corner and this blonde boy around my age takes our order.

We continue to talk and catch up. I tell her about what dad and I have been up to and how I am doing in school. She tells me about how she is working at the hospital.

"So, your like Melissa? A nurse?" I ask.

"Melissa McCall. Yeah we went to school together and both wanted to be nurses."

We finished our food and decided to head back to the house since it was getting late. Mom showed me my room and went downstairs to get something to drink. I'm currently sitting on my bed and researching the town.

"Mieczyslaw......Mieczyslaw." My head snaps up at the voice. I try to hear it again but it's nothing but silence.

"Find me boy." I hear again a few minutes later. I stand up and go down into the hallway. "Yesss." The voice whispers as I slowly walk towards a door at the end of the hallway.

I try to open it only to find out it locked. I reach into my pocket to pull out a bobby pin. Why do I have one? Why not?

After a few minutes of attempting to pick the lock I hear that *Click* meaning It worked. I slowly creak open the door and it seems to be an empty room with nothing but a safe in the centre.

"Stiles?" I hear behind me and I almost hit my head against the ceiling over how high I jumped.

"What are you doing in here?" Mom asks me. She has a blank face but keeps glancing at the safe almost frightened off the object.

"Mom, what is this? And why is it just this in here?" I ask her to avoid her question.

"It's an old family heirloom. Now go to bed, I'm going to show you around tomorrow." She ordered.

Although wanting answers I decided to do what she said since it seems like something I shouldn't be messing with. I go to sleep with one question on my mind.

"What the hell is in that safe?"

The next day was pretty boring, even though mom showed me around the town there wasn't much except for maybe the high school and the square. The rest were just houses and stores.

That night we decided to walk to a fast-food place to get our dinner, it was nice and peaceful, we talked about whatever and the next time I would come and visit.

We picked up our food and arrived back at the house. "Excuse me?" A rough British accent called out from behind.

"Sorry to intrude but my tire popped, and my cell is dead. I was wondering if I could come in and use yours?" He asked us. I felt really off about this guy and before I could protest...

"Yeah, sure. Come in." Mom says to him. My gut starts twisting as we walk towards our house.

"How rude. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Mikael." He tells us with a smile I can tell is fake.

"I'm Claudia and this is my son Stiles." She smiles back oblivious.

"Stiles... quite an unusual name." He says looking at me with something I can't quite describe.

"It's just a nickname he came up with. I named him Mieczyslaw after my father, but he couldn't say it when he was younger so Stiles became his new name." Mom tells him. Why is she giving out information to a stranger, because she is too nice for her own good that's why.

"Weren't you going to make a phone call?" I ask him just wanting him to leave.

"Stiles stop being rude." Mom scolds me.

"It's quite alright." Mikael reassures her.

"I do have one favour to ask though." He says walking towards me and my mom.

"Stay quiet and still." He says staring right into our eyes. For some strange reason I felt obligated to do what he said.

In a split second he appears behind my mom and his face morphs into something, something supernatural. He quickly latches onto my mom's neck and it seems like he is drinking.

I try to yell and scream but nothing happens. I feel tears fall down my face and my mom looks at me. I see her eyes dart to the painting hanging over the fireplace.

A few minutes later my mom drops to the ground in a heap. Mikael looks towards be and smirks. But before he can advance towards, we hear the town hall clock strike 11:00 pm. Mikael's face shifts into disgust and anger.

"Sorry Mieczyslaw. It seems we won't get to continue this. I have a bastard to kill. So in that case, forget you ever saw me, your mother is dead because of an intruder, you were able to hide like the coward you are." Mikael says looking into my eyes.

I blink and everything shifts into place. I look down and instantly start crying at the sight of my mom. Her eyes wide open and staring. I continue to bawl my eyes out until the police arrive because off the neighbours.

I'm just sitting still on an armchair. Staring at the place where my mom was found dead. Muttering to myself over how I am such a disgrace and a coward for hiding and not protecting her.

I start to cry again..."Painting." I hear the voice again. Deciding that I just don't care anymore I walk over to the painting unhook it and flip it over. On the back is a 4-digit code: 9195.

I recognise the numbers as the years of my parents wedding day and my birth. Slowly and sluggishly, I stumble up to the safe. Realising my mom re locked the door.

I try the handle again, this time shaking it harder, and harder, and harder, before I am hitting the door, punching it, taking my rage out on the door. Tears falling down my cheeks as I shout to myself how much of a failure and disappointment I am.

The door eventually collapses, my knuckles mostly broken and beaten. I walk towards the safe and put in the 4 number code. It clicks open and all I see is a jar with a single firefly inside. I hesitantly pick up the jar and open it.

Almost instantly the firefly glows and flies straight towards me. It lodges itself in my mouth and everything goes black. I hear the voice say one thing....

"Chaos has come again."

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