Up In Flames

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Davina Pov:

I gasp awake and hurriedly look around for Stiles, memories of last night flood my brain. Im still in the park and it seems like its the next morning.

I am interrupted by my phone buzzing, quickly pulling it out I slightly frown when I see its Isaac.

"Isaac, is Stiles with you?"

"Well hello to you too love. No Foxy isnt here, why? Did he disappear after your romantic walk under the stars?" Kol chuckles

"No. We were attacked and I think he was taken." Hearing this shuts Kol up instantly.

"Okay, the reason I called is because Finn trapped me with a bunch of vampires and I need help getting out. If you help me get out I will help you look for your boyfriend." My face heats up at the words but now isnt the time.

"Thanks. Be there soon." I hang up and make my way to the compound.

When I enter I can sense the barrier around the area. I go to reach my hand out and touch is but... "Careful, careful." Isaac stops me. "It's nasty. You ready?"

I nod and place my hands up across from his and begin to chant. It seems to be working before I get pushed back and shocked. I scream and back up slightly.

"What just happened?" I ask.

"I assume that means we're all free to go."  Klaus strolls up and I roll my eyes.

"No, the spells locking us out. Finn must be channeling something. A dark object perhaps." Kol explains and I fee my breath hitch in my throat.

"Stiles." I breath in realisation.

"Bloody hell." Klaus sighs.

"If Finn is channeling Stiles we are in big trouble." Kol states.

3rd PoV:

"Ohh, you should've seen them. They were so- they were so confident in our defeat." Vincent reveals as he walks across the room to reveal Scott McCall standing over a chained, spelled Stiles.

Scott has changed since Stiles left, his hair and facial hair has grown out and unkempt. His biggest change however were his eyes, no longer did he have the bright red eyes of a true alpha, now Scotts eyes were darker like alphas.

"But I assure you, Mr. McCall. They have no idea what they are up against now." He adds before placing his fingers on Stiles forehead and chanting.

Soon after Vincent uses Stiles power to use a spell that would make all the trapped vampires have extreme hunger and target the werewolves they are trapped with. Klaus, realising the danger calls Finn and reveals where there mother lay.

Still trapped the Vampires are getting restless and everyone present can see that. As another fight is broken up Marcel turns to Klaus and Kol for help. "Things are getting testy out there. Come on, we better move this along."

"Now Vincents boundary is too strong. But what Davina and I can do is cast a disruption spell. It would temporarily neutralise all magical objects in this compound, including the compound itself. If it works. Then it will give us 60 seconds to escape whilst the boundary is shut down." Kol explains. Marcel nods in acceptance.

"All right, all right, that sounds good to me."

"If the spell works it will supress all magical objects in the vicinity. That means your rings." Klaus states. Marcel sighs in annoyance.

"And if we go out without our rings, we're dead."

"Unless you wait till nightfall."

Marcel groans. "They're all so new. They're not gonna be able to fight the hunger. We can't wait until nightfall. We're gonna have a bloodbath on our hands before we even get close."

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