Visitors from the past

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After their visit to Beacon Hills, Stiles, Davina, Kol and even Malia went back to New Orleans to help the Mikaelsons against their Aunt Dahlia. There they learnt of Aidans death and Davina instantly went to Josh to comfort him.

Malia went with her while Stiles and Kol met up with Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah also their sister Freya and went to face their aunt. They were able to kill Dahlia with the help of Esther and the two sisters died in each others arms.

Klaus told Stiles about Mikaels death and Stiles thanked the man while also feeling slightly jealous that he couldn't do it himself.

Then came the threat of the Mikaelson prophecy. With Kol's sireline having already died out, the quad helped in assisting the Mikaelsons stop the prophecy and keep themselves and their family alive.

Stiles also stopped the plot of Aurora threatening to kill Cami, Stiles caught the Vampire as she tried to kill her during the night. Stiles also had a 'nice' talk with Klaus over his relationship with Cami.

All was going well, until one day...

Stiles caught wind of some news that Elijah and Freya would try and trick Davina into helping them beat Lucian, but in return his girlfriend would die.

Knowing he wouldn't let them happen, Stiles rushed to Kols workshop were his girlfriend was, cursing at the fact that Kol and Malia had been hanging out a lot more lately and we're currently away.

Hurrying inside he sees Davina chanting and Elijah and Freya watching over. Summoning the Oni, he ordered them to destroy the spell and hold back the siblings.

The three look over at him in a mixture of emotions, some in confusion, some in frustration, and some in immeasurable guilt. Stiles ordered the Oni to dismiss the Mikaelsons and kick them out the cemetery.

After doing so Stiles explained to Davina the situation and the feeling of betrayal washed over her. After helping them for such a long time they would just cast her aside and set her up to die.

Stiles and Davina abandoned all contact with the Mikaelsons for the next few weeks. Only keeping in touch with Kol who was ashamed and angry at his family.

One day, when Stiles and Davina were on there way back to Beacon Hills they got a sudden call from Malia, she explained that Lucian was killed and Marcel transformed into an upgraded Original.

They didn't really care until they heard that Kol was bitten and that Freya had instructed Hayley to go find the ingredients to help cure them.

Hurrying to turn around they go back to New Orleans to pick up a distraught Malia, who just lost her boyfriend. And took her back to Beacon Hills. Not before telling Hayley to contact them if she is close to waking them.

5 years later

The trio had been living in Beacon Hills for 5 years now. Malia tried to live life to the fullest but she kept up hope that one day Kol would wake up soon.

Stiles and Davina are the happiest they have ever been despite the circumstances. They had recently gotten engaged but refused to even talk about it wedding plans until Kol is with them so he could be Stiles' best man.

Stiles can currently be seen talking to his dad in the living room of his house. Davina and Malia are out for a girls day. All of a sudden Stiles and Noah's conversation is interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello?" Stiles answers.

"Stiles?" A voice comes through the phone. A voice Stiles hasn't heard in years.


"I need your help." Hayley states as she speaks through the phone. Stiles can tell by her tone that she is desperate.

"What do you need?" Stiles asks worriedly.

"Marcel found me." Stiles tenses. Marcel had tried and tried to get Davina to come back to New Orleans but when she refused, Marcel blamed Stiles. "He found me, and I need help getting Hope away. I'd ask Mary but I think you would better protection incase Marcel found her."

"O-okay, what do you need." Stiles hurriedly asks.

"I just need you to meet me and take Hope for a few days while I wake them up." Hayley answers and Stiles eyes bug out.

"You found a way to wake them?" Stiles asks excitedly. Hayley smiles on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, I did." She replies.

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Hanging up the phone Stiles turns to Noah with an apologetic smile but Noah just sighs and gestures to leave. "When the girls get back tell them what happened. Oh and take some dinner to Melissa. She must be starving due to her shift." Stiles reminds his dad before rushing out the house and to his jeep.

Arriving at some country house, Stiles spots Hayley and a young girl standing outside the house talking. As Stiles exits the jeep, he takes a closer look at the girl and smiles as he notices how she looks like a perfect mix of her parents.

Walking up to Hayley, they give eachother a quick hug before Stiles turns to Hope and kneels in front of her. "Hey Hope, not sure if you remember me-"

"You're Stiles." Hope interrupts. She looks away embarrassed at Stiles curious expression. Hayley smiles before explaining.

"I told her stories of what happened when she was younger, you came up a few times." She explains. Stiles gives Hayley a gin before turning back to Hope.

"Well I'm flattered, and you can tell me as many stories as you want when you come to stay with me and my family for a few days." He tell Hope.

Hope, albeit reluctantly, nods before turning to her mom and giving her a big hug. A minute goes by and the two release before Stiles jokingly offer Hope his arm. Hope giggles before grasping it as the two walk towards the jeep.

Hope gives Hayley one last wave before Stiles pulls away and starts their journey back to Beacon Hills.

Stiles and Hope shared many stories between one another, Hope recited all the tales her mom told her of New Orleans and Stiles shared his memories of his high school years in Beacon Hills. Many laughs were shared and Stiles also became slightly embarrassed as Hope retold the stories and how they painted him as someone who jokes around 24/7, even when facing against his enemies.

That night, Stiles pulls up to his house. As if sensing his arrival, the front door opens and Davina can be seen standing there; arms folded.

Glancing over at Hope Stiles sees that she has fallen asleep. Smiling to himself, he gets out the jeep and moves over to the passenger side. Reaching down he lifts Hope into his arms and walks towards the house. Davina sighs before moving in the house and towards the main room.

As Stiles enters, he comes across Malia who looks curiously at the child in his arms. Stiles gives her a look before looking at the direction Davina just went. Malia sighs before taking Hope from him and heading upstairs.

Stiles enters the room and spots Davina sitting on a couch reading through one of her grimoires. Sighing to himself, walks towards her and kneels so he is looking up at her.

"Whats wrong?" He asks. Davina sighs and puts the grimoire down.

"Nothing. It's just we've had five years of peace. Finally getting away from the drama of the supernatural, and now it's all coming back. And at the center... the Mikaelsons." Davina rants. Stiles looks at her intently before letting out a smile. He stands up and moves to sit beside her. Davina lays her head on Stiles shoulder almost instinctively.

"Trust me, I know. But you miss Kol as much as me, and don't forget Malia." Davina smiles slightly at the thought if having her best friend be happy again. "And... once their back, we can finally tie the knot." Stiles states as he turns his head to face Davina.

Davina's eyes light up and she lifts her head off Stiles shoulder and turns to face him also, feeling the rush from the mention of their wedding, Davina surges forward and connects her lips to Stiles'.

Instantly kissing back, Stiles smirks before hoisting Davina into his arms and speeding into their room. Once they do, Davina chants many privacy spells as they spend the rest of the night showing off their love for one another.

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