Unexpected Surprise

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"Malia?" Stiles questions as he looks at the girl.

Hearing her name, Malia turns her head and her eyes widen at the sight of the boy shes been looking for.

"Stiles!" She shouts as she runs forward. Stiles thought she was just going to stop in front of him but he soon froze as he felt Malias lips on his.

Snapping out of it he quickly scrambles back and steps away from Malia. Glancing at Davina he sees how she is glaring at the girl.

"Uh, h-hey Malia? Wh-what are you doing here?" Stiles asks.

"I've gotten discharged from Eichen so they wanted me to come here for a few final checkups. While I was here I smelt your scent so I came looking." Malia states nonchalantly.

Stiles nods before looking towards Davina. Malia notices and gives Stiles a look. "Stiles? Who's she?"

This snaps Stiles out of his staring as he looks between the two girls. "Oh um, Davina this is Malia and Malia this is Davina... my girlfriend." Stiles introduces.

Malias face falls slightly as she turns to glare at the witch, the two are in a heated battle until Stiles comes in between the two.

"Okay, that's enough. Malia can I speak to you?" Stiles asks the coyote. Malia nods still not taking her eyes of Davina. She lets out a feral growl before turning and walking down the hall.

Turning to face Davina, Stiles gulps as he notices Davina's heated gaze is bow locked onto him. Not knowing what to do, Stiles brings her into a kiss. Davina tenses for a second before visibly relaxing. As Stiles releases the kiss he notices how Davina's features have softened.

"I will be okay. She won't do anything and you can count on the fancy that I will always come back to you, okay?" Stiles speaks, Davina too shocked at Stiles declaration to speak just nods her head. "Okay, head back to Melissa's room and I will join you shortly." He says before walking towards Malia and following her round a corner.

Davina POV:

As I watch Stiles walk away I can't help but let out a huge smile at what he said and I keep that smile all the way back to Melissa's room. As I get to the door I hear Melissa speaking to someone but it doesn't sound like Noah.

Knocking on the door before entering, Davina takes notice about how the talking stops. Walking in Davina looks beside Melissa's bed and sees quite a tall man wearing a grey shirt and a very familiar smirk.

"Hello love, I was just catching up with Mrs

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"Hello love, I was just catching up with Mrs. McCall here. I hope Foxy doesn't mind." The man smirks. Hearing the nicknames and the british accent Davina pushes the pieces together and lets out a smile.

"Kol?" She asks. As the man nods Davina moves forward and brings him into a hug. "What are you doing here? And what happened to your other body?"

"Well after you guys left, Finn was killed by some witch claiming to be our long lost sister. To help gain our trust she helped myself and Rebekah get back into our Original (no pun intended) bodies." Kol explains. "As for my host, Isaac. Well he is currently waiting back in New Orleans. I speed over so I couldn't be bothered carrying him the whole way. We actually had a nice chat and get along surprisingly well." Kol adds.

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