Ch.18: first bloom

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"Modeling?!" I shouted in surprise.

"Mhm. Is there are problem with that?" He asked.

"N-no! I'm just..." I trailed off, "I'm surprised is all.." I said this as we walked towards his red Toyota car.

"Really? Why are you surprised?" He fumbled with his keys for a few seconds trying to find the one for his car. He unlocked it and I got in the front seat.

"Well, I really don't think I have what it takes. Those women usually have to have strict diets, plastic surgery and stuff." I put on my seatbelt.

"You don't have to worry about that. The position that you're auditioning for is specifically for a female character in one of our upcoming games." He sideways glanced at me as he ignited the car.

"And that means....?"

"It means whoever gets the job is going to have that character look pretty much like them or at least have inspiration taken off of them." He started to drive and turned out of the parking lot, "It's so once the game comes out, we can have the original muse cosplay as the character and do promotions."

"Thats smart..." I conceded. The job has to be well paying, and it's only for a short period of time. "By the way, where are we going?"

"Well, I wanted to drop you off at your place but I don't know your address." He cracked a smile as he said this. I found him unbelievably attractive at this moment.

I quickly averted my eyes, "you can just drop me off here. It's close enough to my place anyways." I spoke while looking out the window to watch other cars pass us by. In reality, my place was about 30 minutes away after a train ride. I knew that going into a train like this at night is dangerous, but I said this because I didn't want my mother to see an older man drop me off at the house.

I saw in the reflecting part of the window that his eyes narrowed as I said that, "are you kidding? It's freezing outside. And just look at what you're wearing-!" He paused, seemingly becoming self aware the second those words came out of his mouth. "I'm sorry. That was rude.."

"N-no! You've done nothing wrong... in fact you've been incredibly considerate and all I've done is make excuses for myself.." I looked at him as I spoke.

We stopped at a particularly busy intersection with a red light, so he was able to look back at me. We locked into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Both of us leaned into each other a bit, and it felt like the sound of my heartbeat was reverberating into my eardrums.

That is, until I saw the light turn green out of the corner of my eye. I didn't say anything though and I don't think natsume has noticed yet. We then heard the car behind us honk.

Natsume jolted back into his driving position at the sound of the impatient driver behind us. I also reverted back into my position of leaning my head against the window and crossing my legs.

A few minutes went by in silence. I assume that Natsume is thinking about the obvious sexual tension between us just as much as I am. I hugged his coat closer to my body as I kept relieving the moment. Just a few more seconds of that and we would've...

Natsume decided to break the silence by clearing his throat, "Ahem, Anyways tell me your address and I'll drop you off there."

"Alright it's on CherryRose Street in X neighborhood..."

"X neighborhood? That's pretty far!" He exclaimed. "Listen. It's late and I'd imagine your parents would be surprised to say the least to see a guy drop you off while you're in that state."

I nodded my head and let him continue.

"If you're comfortable with can stay at my place for the night."

Oh shit.

My mind went blank when he spoke these words. Despite my mom's accusations, I have never ever entered a man's personal space in my life. Natsume, obviously feeling awkward by my lack of response continued

"I won't do anything to you. I know that kinda sounds like i was already thinking that or that I want to, but I promise that isn't the case... not that you're unattractive or anything it's just-!" He started to ramble, but I actually found it endearing.

"Sure." I answered, not really thinking about anything other than the fact that I felt safe with this man.

"Huh?" He seemed surprised that I accepted.

"I trust that you wouldn't do anything inappropriate to me. I am your little sisters best friend after all." I smiled at him and went on, "I also want some more details about that audition that you mentioned earlier."

"Right." He smiled and looked back onto the road.

We arrived at his apartment and as he unlocked the door, two cats came bounding towards us.

"Tsubaki! Azusa!" He called the two cats as they were climbing all over me to check the new person who entered their territory.

"It's alright Natsume, I love cats~" I stroked the both of them and I felt their purrs vibrate throughout their feline bodies. "By the way, why'd you name your cats after your brothers?" I  said as I took my shoes off and entered the apartment.

"Well, they remind me alot of those two." He said as he placed his briefcase down and removed his tie.

I nodded, accepting his answer and then took in the surroundings of the apartment. It was relatively neat with a few things lying about here or there, but for a bachelor pad it was impressively clean.

Natsume took notice of my looking and commented, "sorry for the mess. I've never had a woman around here before." He went into his bedroom and came out with some clothes for me to change into.

"I guess you must've been busy with work for the past few years huh?" I smiled and graciously took the clothes out of his hands.

"I'll say. The last time I've had a girlfriend was in my early college days." He then turned around to point me to where the bathroom was. "You can change in there."

"Oki doki! Thanks so much Natsume." I turned and entered the bathroom. As I changed, I thought about what he had told me. "To be honest... I'm glad that he's single-"


I'm glad that he's single?

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