Ch.20: Seeds of Conflict

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Natsume offered to give me a ride home after he fed his cats, to which I politely declined. I needed to get my shit together, and plan for the audition itself.

Natsume walked me out of the building and we went our seperate ways; reluctantly on his part.

I decided to call up Azusa and check in for his and Tsubaki's Panzer of the dead conference, and also share the news about the job Natsume offered to me as well as ask for advice.

I held up the phone to the side of my face as the number dialed. Just as I thought it was about to ring out, the phone was picked up.

"Hey Azusa! It's (Y/N)." I said into the phone.

"Azusa's busy right now, but I'm sure I can help you with whatever you need♡" I heard Tsubaki's voice on the other line.

"Oh Tsubaki, what's he busy with right now?" I pried for more information.

"What's so important that you need to talk to him specifically? Don't tell me you both are dating!"

"What? No! Where would you get that idea?"

"Well you seem offly keen on only speaking to him.." I heard him start to pout through the phone.

I sighed and continued, "there's nothing between us, I just wanna know what he could possibly be doing without his phone and without you."

"Hmm~." Tsubaki seemed to be pondering my response before continuing, "He's in the recording studio as of right now. He said that he didn't feel comfortable with his takes today, so he's putting in some extra time to perfect his delivery."

"Ah, I see. Quite the perfectionist isn't he?"

"Mhm. Are you interested in guys that try to perfect everything?"

"Well I mean...I haven't really thought about it honestly." Geez where the hell did that come from?

"It's alright, because for you.. I'll try to make everything perfect." He said in a serious tone all of a sudden.

"........." I paused not knowing what to say.

"............" an awkward silence insued for about 5 seconds "Just kidding~!" I heard his voice break the tension, which caused me to sigh in relief.

" almost gave me a heart palpatation." I laughed off the situation in order to keep the conversation flowing.

"That's just the kind of effect I have on men and women."

"I see your charm breaks all the confounds of gender." I joked back

"Mhm, it does! Anyways, why'd you call in the first place?" He said as I heard some rustling in the background.

"Oh right! I had to talk to one of you about a job Natsume offered to me."

"Natsume offered you a job? Since when?"

"Since yesterday, and I should've phrased that better. He technically invited me to audition to be a model for a magical girl anime game that his company is designing as of late."

"Oh Magical Girl Kyuun! I read the manga for that and I was so excited when I found out they were making it into a game." He gushed a bit about the manga and then continued with business "so what do you need to know?"

"Well, I wanted to ask about the character 'Ayako' because that's the character I'm auditioning for. I figured you or Azusa were far more likely to be familiar with the series as well as the auditioning process in general."

"Sure thing! I'm packing my things up right now, so I can pick you up and we can have a date♡!" He excitedly said.

"D-date? I wouldn't call it that..."

"Sure sure~ anyways, where can I pick you up?"

I looked up at the street i was on as I had been leisurely walking during the conversation, "I'm currently on 7th street in Southside district."

"Oh, that's near Natsume's place, what're you doing around there?"

"I um, actually crashed at Natsume's place last night." I offhandedly mentioned.

"......" I heard radio silence.

"Huh? Tsubaki? Are you still there?"

"....if I don't pay attention I'm gonna lose..." I heard him mutter into the phone.

"Lose what?" I asked

"Nothing! anyways, I know a really good lovey dovey Cafe there! We can go ahead and get a booth, share a milkshake, stare into each other's eyes-"

"Ok!Ok! I get it. I appreciate the help Tsubaki."

"No worries, I'll see you soon honey♡." I winced at the use of the word honey, but coming from Tsubaki it's to only be expected.


Tsubaki placed his brother's phone down on the coffee table, and placed his hands in his pockets with a solemn look on his face. Shortly afterwards, Azusa entered the room.

"Hey, I just finished- what's up with the serious look on your face?" Azusa seized Tsubaki up relatively quickly.

"I was just thinking." Tsubaki said, not shifting his gaze away from the flooring.

"Well that's dangerous." Azusa smirked as he made a joke, but the joke seemed to fall on deaf ears. "Seriously, what's got you all worked up Tsubaki?" He said as he placed a hand on his brothers shoulder.

"What do you think about (Y/N)?" Tsubaki asked.

"What about her?"

"Just... I don't know..." Tsubaki began to frustratingly play with his hands as he said this.

"She's a bit rough around the edges, but...she's a nice girl." He responded.

"Is that really it though?" Tsubaki said, seemingly implying that Azusa was not being completely truthful about his assessment of their sister's best friend.

"....yes, i promise you that's it. If you have feelings for her, I'll be supportive of your relationship."

"....hah, liar." Tsubaki grabbed his stuff and headed out the door towards the parking lot before Azusa could respond.

"....liar?" Azusa said out loud in disbelief.

Unbeknownst to them, this marked the beginning of unwanted familial conflict.

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