Senses of Relief

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"Well... that went better than expected," Lydia said quietly to herself, a huge sense of relief washing over her and making her footsteps lighter than they usually were as she made her way back up to her bedroom for the night. Half of her was glad it'd all worked out, whilst the other half was still adamant that she should have still waited a little while longer before she did this.

And she was glad that she didn't wait.

As she made her way down the second floor hallway to her bedroom, Lydia could hear the chatter of the adults of the Maitland-Deetz family from all the way downstairs as the four of them themselves got ready to head up. Charles and Delia had gone upstairs not too long after Lydia had, which, of course, left the Maitlands downstairs to turn everything in the house off using their powers. And they couldn't resist the chance to talk before heading upstairs to the attic.

Barbara sat herself down at the kitchen island, Adam joining her as soon as he finished turning off all the lights in the living room. But he couldn't help it but leave just one of the lights on just because. And even that was enough to make Barbara giggle.

"Barb," Adam said, directing the attention of his wife, who was unaware at the moment that she was distracted, onto him. "Do you still remember what happened? Before you and I met and started dating before getting married? Back when the two of us were still alive and in our teenage years?"

Barbara racked her mind, then laughed. "Of course I still do. I always thought I was gay until I came across you. Lydia coming out to us and her dad and Delia just.... reminded me of that I guess."

"Hah! Can you still imagine the face I made when you told me you thought you were gay?"

Barbara laughed again. "You made the funniest o face that was ever possible."

Adam nodded, grinning from ear to ear before he, like Barbara, let out a few laughs. "That I did. Believe me when I tell you it still cracks me up whenever I think about it."

Barbara gently moved a strand of her blonde hair that had since fallen out of place behind her ear. "I can imagine. Since the exact same thing happens to me whenever I think of that face of yours."

"Who would've guessed-"

"Adam, Barbara, are you guys still down here?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're still down here!" Barbara called back to the teenager. "Is something the matter, Lydia?"

The Maitlands turned their attention over towards the stairs. Just in time to see Lydia, tired as heck, stumble as she made her way down them and into the kitchen. She sat herself down at the kitchen island, directly across from where the Maitlands were sitting, and rested her head against the island - making inaudible grumbling noises.

"Lydia, did something happen?" Barbara reached a hand out, brushing it through the teen's hair, which was splayed out all over the place, to smooth it out.


"Another one? What happened?"

"I came out to you guys and my dad and Delia," Lydia whimpered, tears apparent as she lifted her head up to look at Barbara. "And you didn't accept me."

"Awww... Lyd, c'mere. You wanna talk about it?" Barbara asked concernedly, standing up and moving around the kitchen island towards Lydia and helping her up.

She led Lydia over to the couch in the living room and sat her down on it before sitting down on it beside her. Almost immediately Lydia shifted a little and curled up next to Barbara, the older of the two females putting an arm around Lydia's shoulder. Comforting the latter and soothing her. She may not be Lydia's mom, but this definitely felt like the sort of thing a mom would do.

Barbara's thoughts were interrupted, however, when Lydia shifted and looked up towards her again. "Barbara, wait?"


"How did you, Adam, my dad, and Delia know that I was gay to begin with? Long before I came out to you guys."

Barbara stifled a laugh, ruffling Lydia's hair. "I thought you said that you knew that we knew that you knew you were gay, you kidder."

"Hey, I was curious you know!" Lydia retorted, rolling her eyes in annoyance and amusement at the same time. Which Barbara did the same, albeit with a quiet laugh.

"Yeah, I knew. I was messing with you."

"BARBARA!!!" Lydia shouted before she got herself involved in a tickle fight with the older woman and Adam joined in soon afterwards - leading to the mixed laughter between a living teenage girl and her sort-of ghost parents. One that seemingly lasted them pretty much all night long. Or at least a few hours.

Needless to say, Charles and Delia came downstairs the next morning to find the Maitlands and Lydia fast asleep on the couch curled up and, deciding not to bother any of them, went on with their day.

Lydia Comes Out: a Beetlejuice StoryWhere stories live. Discover now