The Hurt

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It's been a month now , my relationship with Mike keeps growing but I noticed he's been gloomy these days, he told me about his investigations concerning an embezzlement of funs at work . I fast nd pray so God will help expose the  culprit soon, lia I heard granny called,  I'm in my room I yelled... she came in nd sat by me on the bed, go upstairs to micheal he need you right now , what's wrong granny? I ask confused.  The culprit was found today nd it's none other than he's manager,  he's broken right now cus he trusted him.  Oh no but why will he do such a thing,    well he worked many years with Mr wills nd was expecting to be promoted as the acting C.E.O since micheal was inexperienced at that time nd he plan was to take over the company nd Mrs wills as well but his plans failed when micheal was chosen. My eyes went huge,  was she dating him? No she replied.  The manager fell is secretly inlove with Mrs wills but couldn't man up nd express his feelings nd after so many years he wants revenge,  can you imagine.  That's absolute nonsense,  Mrs wills love daddy to death nd I'm so sure she wouldn't have chose that man I said.  Come on now child go to micheal,  remember don't ask questions he needs some comfort not a  CID, I nodded nd head upstairs.

I knocked gently on the door but no response,  I opened it anyway nd found him sitting on the floor with head in between his tighs. I sat beside him nd place my hand on his back , I'm here for you as a good friend nd a shoulder for you to cry on Mike I said softly. As usual I got " go away" as an answer... Men always act tough even when they're shattered,  they think by acting vulnerable makes them weak.  I'm not going anywhere micheal,  you can't do this alone I hugged him , he try to push me away but I tightened my grip, don't resist it hubby , cry if you want . I know it feels to be betrayed by those you love nd trust, it's even get worse when that person happens to be relative,  my aunty accused me of seducing her fiance when it's rather her fiance who almost got me raped, she throws me out in the cold knowing I had no one else in this strange country,  I never know I was crying until I felt tears on my cheeks while I reminisce on my ordeal, that enough lia you re suppose to comfort him not break down.  He finally lift his head nd cupped my face , I noticed his eyes were red from crying as well. We kept staring at each other then I felt his lips on mine, we kissed but this time it was full of emotions,  wants nd a way to escape the pain we both feel, we broke of still staring at each other , lost for words nd went at it again... it got intensed nd passionate I think, his hands were running through my tighs , he left my lips unto my neck sucking it , it was a bit painful but pleasurable .  He kissed my lips back again nd we were both moaning while he hands went under my nightee up to my breast nd he squeezed my nipples,  I felt shocks in my body, I want this to continue but I don't think I'm ready to give in so I broke off our kiss while we  both try to gasp for breathe,  the silence felt awkward so I spoke first , uuuhmmm I think I should get going , I try getting up but he held me back down  , I sat then he voice  out " stay with me please " ...

                           Micheal Pov

I felt devastated,  I trusted Mr banks , he was like my second father but all went down the drain today. I got home nd told granny about it, I'm in shock to know he was my mum's secret admirer nd wants the company nd mum as a revenge on dad. How on earth was he expecting dad to know the love of his life was his wife.  Dad told me on our way home he knew about his feelings for a strange woman back in school,  he even teases him about it. They fell inlove while mum was working in the company as his ( dad) secretary nd got married 2years later, his mum was against their relationship cus mum was just from a middle class family nd today mum treats lia the same, imagine that

I was sitting on the floor next to my bed nd still can't fathom what happened , to crown it all I called Gwen hoping to get some sort of comfort , I didn't hung up immediately after talking then I heard the same male voice demanding she comes back to bed so they can finish what they started.  Is the universe against me today? Why is everything crushing before me as the same time? I 've lived with hypocrites all my life, I thought we promised to stay faithful,  I have had enough with her drug addiction nd now she lied to me using her mum, only to go fuck another man. I'm so done trusting people,  this shit hurts , my thoughts got interrupted by a knock on my door,  I refuse to respond but rather put my head in between my tighs,  I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone,  knowing who nanny is she won't let me be in this kinda situation.  I was surprised I heard lia 's voice instead, nanny surely told her, she's hugging me right now... I hate feeling vulnerable in front of a woman nd the last person I want to express my weakness to is Lia.

I try to get out of her hold but I can't deny the warm I felt with her closeness nd she's too stubborn to let go as well.  She broke the silence after a while narrating her story , wow I can't believe she went through all that,  I now know why she build a strong wall around her, I felt like comforting her rather but when I looked into those beautiful eyes I felt that strong edge to kiss her so I did nd to my surprise she responded immediately then I took the initiative to deepened this,  I needed this. We broke off nd went at it again,  I don't wanna stop cus I felt out of the world,  I 've kissed Gwen million times but none felt like this,  there's some fire burning in my heart . I had this huge bulge in my pants right now as things got intensed,  no woman got me this hard with just a kiss, Gwen always does with her hot body but lia is always covered up nd don't even put any effort in trying to be sexy but yet got all my hormones speed up. I'm glad she broke off first this time before I regret my actions,  uuuhm good...uhhhmmm she stutters,  it's funny though but I enjoy knowing I had such effect on her, she finally said good night nd stood to leave but I held her hand nd ask her to stay with me, I'm surprised that came from me, I just don't wanna be alone tonight. She half smiled I don't know micheal if it's a good idea, I felt dissappointed... It's fine if you wanna leave lia,  she thought for awhile nd decided to stay.....

Hi guys we 're almost at the end of this book , keep reading

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