Chapter 62

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I was up before my alarm went off. 

"Ugh. Is it time for you to get up already?" Mom said.

"Yeah. Sorry. Did you sleep okay?"

"I'm glad we got you a double bed. A single would have probably had me sleeping on the floor. You kick a lot."

"Sorry," I said. 

"It's okay," Mom said, giving my cheek a kiss and getting up.  "I'm going to go get dressed and get breakfast ready. You go get ready for school. Your stitches are pretty much dried up and absorbed. Do you want to try not wearing the bandages?"

I thought about it. I didn't really want to go to school wearing bandages, but I was worried about something happening. 

"I'll try," I said. 

Mom helped me take off the bandages and came with me into the bathroom to fix my hair. I still had a pretty big shaved area but my hair mostly covered it.  Mom put a bit of Vitamin E oil on the skin to help it heal. 

She went to her room to get dressed and I got ready for school. It felt weird not having the bandages on. Almost freeing. But I decided to wear a hoodie anyway, in case I felt conscious about the huge scar on the side of my head, and the shaved area. 

I grabbed my school bag, checked myself in my mirror, and went downstairs.  Mom was making pancakes and though they smelled good, my stomach did a flip flop. 

"You okay, hon?" Mom said, looking at me and putting a glass of orange juice in front of me. 

"Yeah. My stomach's doing flip flops," 

"Nervous?" Mom asked, putting a couple of pancakes on a plate in front of me.

"A little," I admitted. 

"You're going to be fine. I promise.  Please eat something,"

I poured some syrup over my pancakes and started eating. 

"Where's my favorite granddaughter?" I heard. 

"Hi, PopPop. What are you doing up so early?" I asked. 

"You think I'm going to let my granddaughter go off to her first day back at school, and not make sure she gets off okay?"

"Thanks, PopPop," I said, hugging him. 

Just then, my phone rang. It was Dad. 

"Good morning my awesome daughter!" he said when I answered. 

"Hi, Dad. Isn't it early for you?" I asked. 

"I'm two hours ahead of you. It's already ten in the morning here," 

"Oh. Right," I said. I forgot he was somewhere in the midwest. 

"How are you doing? Ready for school?"

"Just eating breakfast," I said, through a mouthful of pancake. 

"Nervous?" Dad asked.

"A little," I said. "But Mom told me I can call her any time if I need to come home, and Ms. Abigail will be keeping an eye on me, and my friends will be around. I'm nervous, but I'm okay."

"That's my girl.  I'll call you tonight to make sure you had a good day. Go be the amazing daughter you are. Love you!"

"Love you too, Dad," I said. 

"Byeeee," he said, and hung up.  Mom smiled over at me. 

"I knew he wouldn't forget to call," she smiled. 

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