Chapter 91

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Christmas Break was way too short.  Before I knew it I was back at school, PopPop and Granny were back in Vegas, and Dad was back in the studio.  He'd drop me off at school on his way and promise he'd be done in time to pick me up. 

Mom and Dad had had a New Years party at the house.  Even though I'd been set up with my feed, I still managed to stay up to midnight and ring in the new year with PopPop, Granny, Mom, Dad and all our friends. It was a great night and I even managed to eat some and keep it down. My stomach didn't even bug me. I hoped it was a sign I was on the mend. 

The school semester started strong and fast.  I had biology, chemistry, math, music and English. I was heading to the biology lab when Astrid came up behind me. 

"Happy New Year, Urie," she said. 

"Hey Astrid. Happy New Year to you, too," 

"You look stressed. It's the first day back. How can you be stressed?" 

I showed her my schedule.  She whistled. 

"Ouch," she whistled. 

"Yeah. Just my luck to get the absolutely hardest schedule for the second semester," I rolled my eyes. 

"I've seen your grades and your work ethic. And your name on the Dean's List," she raised her eyebrow at me. 

"That doesn't mean I don't get stressed by the work," I said. 

"Yeah, yeah. Look, where are you headed?"

"Biology," I said. 

"Ah. Have fun. I'm off to math. See you in English?" 

"You betcha," I said. 

I walked into my biology class, and looked around for somewhere to sit. A hand was waving by the window. 

"Jess, come sit here!" I looked over and it was Joshua. I went over. 

"Hey," he said. "How was your Christmas?"

"It was good. How was yours?"

"Not bad. Went to my cousins in Pasadena, got some cool stuff. How about you?"

"My grandparents came out from Vegas and then Josh and Debby and Zack and Kala came over Christmas day. I got some awesome gifts. But Zack, honestly, got me the best gift. Or rather, arranged it."

"What?" Joshua asked. 

"He got in touch with Make-A-Wish and put in a wish for me.  I'm getting a cooking lesson with Gordon Ramsay - at his house!" I said. 

"That's awesome! You love Gordon Ramsay!"

"I know! So excited! Mom's going to call today to try to make arrangements."

The teacher came in and class started.  Joshua would be my lab partner, which was great. We work really well together, and he'll be able to come over if I get sick and miss school, and keep me caught up. 

The rest of the day went pretty much the way the first day goes.  Paige wasn't there because her family was flying in later tonight. They'd gone back to Toronto for Christmas. 

After the bell rang, I gathered my stuff and went to the front of the school to meet Dad. 

He wasn't there yet, but that was okay. I sat on one of the benches and waited.  I pulled out my English novel and started reading. 

We were reading George Orwell's 1984, and I was really into it. I realized, as I looked at how far I'd gotten into the book, that some time  had passed.  I looked at my watch and saw it was 3:30. School ended at 2:30. Everyone was gone. 

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