the prime world (shera)

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Authors note
What inspired me to write this was when I was watching the newist shera i thought when I saw hord prime "what do they call his kind?
"Does he have a species? Or "is his kind nothing but clones? Well i thought I'd look it up! So i did
And the internet told me that there is no definitive name for them but they do call their planet hord world.
And Sence that answer was a bit unsatisfactory to me I'd thought I'd make this.

Long ago there lived a planet, this planet was called hord world ,this place was home to a colony of primers (that's what they call their kind)
The primers where a race of Intelligence and evolution, striving to improve........well everything, their technology, their bodies, heck their just about to figure out cloning!
They just have to figure out how to stop the body from slowly eating itself from the inside out.

Now this planet is made up of multiple colonies,

there is the light colony that chose to build their entire way of life in the sky (flying islands flight transportation, spaceships and weapons of course) these types are called high primes. These primers help most when invaders from space come

Let's not forget the colony called corala i bet you can guess this, they did the same as the flights except they chose the sea to make their way of life, these primers are called sea dippers (they have found ways to call sea animals to help, and they can go to the deepest part of the ocean, these primers have built an  entire under water empire) these primers help most when their planets third sun comes close and causes a drought.

The colony called peridot is the crust dwellers they chose to live on their planets crust growing food and building large towers to keep their tech powered as well as building machines that can grow food in five minutes or less.

Of course there is the colony the stone coals  they are the  grey digger primers, their not as public as the others, no one sees them often so it is rare to see one out and about, the only time they are seen is when they are making deals with the other colonys for resources (these primers are responsible for the large tunnels and underground safe houses throughout prime world......they also love to make catacombs) they are the last resort

It's easy to tell the difference between them.

of course, sea dippers have gills and fins and a dark  completion with black skin and glow in the dark hair they have a strong  see through slick slime that coats their skin for when they walk on land.

High primes have a stiff body structure and have a pale completion,with beige skin and light white hair, they are the air forces that protect and transport their people.

Crust dwellers have a thick bulky build as well as a dark completion with dark brown skin and deep red hair, these primers have long hair on their bodies with large hands to help with growing

The gray diggers have egg white skin with tar black hair(don't be shocked if you see one balled though, that happens) they have tall muscular builds with scales, they also have long talons to help them dig.

And now let's get to the fashion part

The High primers
What they Wear as work clothes is a tight body suit with lots of pockets and belts

What they wear as Casual clothes is a simple thick white gown

What they Wear as sleep clothes a soft black body suit

Crust dwellers
What they Wear as work clothes often are thick pants with leather vests

What they often Wear as Casual clothes is a soft big shirt and thick pants

What they Wear as sleep clothes are leggings and silky shirt

Sea dippers

What they wear as work clothes is a bunch of small strong sashes woven together tightly to make gown

What they wear as Casual clothes is strong pieces of thick cloth woven around the legs and torso

What they wear as sleep clothes one big cloth wrapped around them

Gray diggers
What they wear as work clothes animal fur cloaks with leather belts and boots

What they wear as Casual clothes thick   wool sweater and thick pants

What they wear as sleep clothes is
Wool robe with a gown under neath

(I'm not good at fashion)

Now in the romance aisle
These primers have ways to show their affections

What the High primers do to show affection is star gazing, if you are known to often go star gazing with someone the high primers will assume your together
For the high primers In order to propose they must make bracelets to represent each of the others family.
(Like imagine getting a bunch of bracelets from your boyfriend)

To deny request throw bracelets to the grown.

What Sea dippers do to show affection is hair care! If they are fond of someone they will start to brush their hair even if it didn't need it, and they start offering to wash it for you, and if they want to propose all they have to do is ask to braid 8 sea shells into your hair, for engagement only one sea shell is braided

brake sea shells to deny proposal

How the Crust dwellers show affection is through making clothes, when Crust dwellers are born they are given a symbol to represent them (it could be anything from a leaf to two doves heck it could be both) and to show affection they make you small things like gloves or socks.
they would have to make you something with a symbol of one of your family members on it (that person is the one that blessed the marriage)
And they would go around wearing that to show engagement.

And if they are proposing they have to make and give you clothes with their own symbol on it, if accepted you would go around in public wearing the clothes they made for you to show your marriage

To deny proposal set clothes on fire the moment given.

What the Gray diggers do to show affection is massages! digging all day can cause great pain in the body so it has become a show of affection to start gently massaging each other

If one was to propose all they have to do is touch the persons knee to their forehead to show submission and loyalty, if accepted all the person being proposed to has to do is to claw the others forehead to leave a deep scratch to show engagement, later on the wedding day, a scar is left there to show marriage. The proposer To show engagement would leave three light but visible scratches going down from the lips to the chin on the person being proposed to.(Wow that's gonna be there forever)

To deny the proposal take knee and hit the proposers face.

Authors note
Few~ done!
That took hours, But I'm happy,
I hope you enjoyed this!
and please like for more!
I'm tired, need to go to bed
may or may not edit later
Please comment if there is a story i write that you would like more of.

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