Chapter 5

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Location: [REDACTED]
Time: XX:33

His shoes slap against the smooth marble floor, he only has a short timeframe before the guards get back. He looks around the corner, and there's no one there. The quickly runs over to the room. He then stopped and looked at the sign outside the door.

Site Director's Office
Unauthorized Access WILL Lead to Termination

There's no going back now. He gulped, before he swiped his stolen keycard Against the keycard reader.


With a small sound, the door unlocks, and he quickly heads in, before closing the door behind him. He hurried over to the PC which is on the Site Director's Desk. He quickly put black tape over the PC's camera, then He turned it on, and then plugged in a USB stick he has brought with him.

Security Override Activated











Security Override Successful. Welcome, Administrator.

With the PC unlocked, he quickly unplugged the USB stick and went directly to the system files. After skipping through several folders of the Site Director's porn collection, some which he had obviously downloaded for himself on an separate USB drive, he finally found what he was looking for.

The Corporation Logs

Everything that anyone did in the Corporation is logged here, and you need level 7 and Above Clearance to Access it. He looked at his watch. Only 5 minutes left before the system automatically changes everyone passcodes and logs everyone out.

There were too many, there could very well be possibly billions of logs here. He went to the filter and set it to Overwatch

Instantly, 99.8% of the logs have been filtered out, however, there were still tens of thousand of logs left, and he then set the filter to Termination Notices and Most Recent

After that, only a single log remained. He clicked on it, and when he read it, his eyes widened. They were right. He quickly downloaded a copy of the log. He quickly looked up, and decided that it would be worthwhile to check the officer for more critical intimation. He went to turn on the lights, and as soon as he did, the Alarms went off. alarms swept through the entire facility, alerting every single guard.

Surprised, he quickly scanned the room for anything that gave him away. The camera are off, I put tape over the PC's camera, and the-

Of course

The newest models of Nexus Computers have a feature where if it detects that tape has been put over the cameras, then it would automatically sound an alarm. The reason the alarms haven't been set off already was because he put tape over the camera before turning the computer on, and that the lights were still off at the time.

So as soon he went to turn on the lights, the computer verified that there's tape on the cameras and had sounded the alarms. He has no time to waste now.

All Security Personal, an intruder has been detected within the Site Director's Officer. You are authorized to use lethal force if necessary

He slammed open the door, and made a mad dash towards one of the janitorial closets, they were probably the only places in the corporation where they haven't bothered to install cameras in.

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