Chapter 2

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Location: [Classified]

Time: Classified

"Are you really sure you want to test the XM-4 BattleMech prototype on what's basically primates, sir?" Asked a Nexus Engineer.

"Yes, I'm sure. We don't have to worry about it getting lost or destroyed by the natives, they probably don't even know what gunpowder is!" Replied a dark figure. "Press the order through for 300 prototypes built and I want 40 of them to be stationed in the new world."

"300!?! But sir! Those would cost more than the United States military budget for 5 years combined!"

"Push. It. Through"

The engineer gulped "yes sir..."

Location: Somewhere in Staten Island

Time: Classified

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A man screamed while another person tore all his fingernails off, blood was everywhere. "One last time," said the torturer. "Tell me everything you know," He said in a metallic and unnatural voice.

"Go to hell vile demon!" Yelled the Imperial soldier, and he spat in his face. The torturer, angry, pushed a big red button called "Gas" and a sickly green Gas began spilling from the vents in the ceiling, however, he made no move to get out of the airtight chamber.

He watched as the imperial soldier began coughing up blood and pieces of his lungs and he pressed the button again, and the gas stopped. The imperial soldier was dying in front of him, drawing in his last breaths through his barely functioning Lungs.

The torturer walked out of the chamber and said to the people sitting at the console "bring me another one, the legate this time. These fucks aren't going to give up anything if I don't begin to do it the hard way."

"Yes Major" replied a scientist.

Soon, a guard pushed the angry and yelling legate into the room and closed the door.

"LET ME OUT THIS INSTANT! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?! I WILL HAVE YOU ALL EXCUTE-" He was interrupted when the Major punched him in the stomach, and the legate doubled back, clutching his stomach and groaning in pain.

He looked up and saw the dead soldier strapped onto the chair. His eyes widened as the Major pushed the corpse off the chair and forced the legate into the chair, not bothering to wipe the still-warm blood off the seat.

"Now listen here you little bitch, tell me absolutely EVERYTHING and maybe you won't end up like that guy over there, " he said, pointing to the carcass on the floor.

"I'm not giving you shit demon!" The legate then spat in his face, like the last guy.

Completely disgusted with having two people spit on his expensive translator gear, he grabbed both the legate's ears and twisted, hard. He screamed and overwhelming pain slammed into him and he gasped for breath when the major finally let go. He had been taught how to inflict painful but not-lethal injuries.

"I swear. I will gouge out your eyeball and feed it to a dog, you only need 1 eye to see." The Major threatened as he pulled out what appeared to be an ice cream scoop with sharpened edges.

The legate's eyes widened "PLEASE PLEASE I'LL TELL YOU EVERYTHING!" The major smiled, finally. Someone had broken under the pressure and was going to give him some sweet info.

2 Hours Later

He says that they have around 300000 soldiers after the attack. Apparently, they had sent 50000 men over here to attack us.

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