Chapter 7

770 19 3

Location: Earth

Time: 4:25 AM EST


A loud crashing sound interrupted the calm and quiet of early morning, soon followed by the thumping of multiple heavy footsteps as several heavily armored people rushed into a building. Several more slightly quieter sounds of shattering glass and furniture being overturned could also be heard.

If anyone saw this, they might have thought that this was an early morning swat raid, or a drug bust. However, the men storming the building weren't police. Several APC's were parked in the middle of the street.

"How the hell have you guys not found anything yet?!" Yelled an irate voice "I swear to god If we raided the wrong place again my boss will have my ass."

The person supervising the raid was a man dressed in bulletproof armor, carrying an SMG, and in black beret.

"Come on guys just find something interesting!" He yelled into the house.

"Oh shit! Sir, I think I found something!" Yelled another voice from inside the house.

Soon, three men carrying a large and heavy safe slowly walked out of the house, before dropping the safe in front of their superior.

The supervisor raised an eyebrow and inspected the large safe and its lock for a moment. "I'm guessing none of you found a key for it?"

All three soldiers shook their heads.

"Damn! Have someone get the thermic lance out!" He yelled to the other people standing guard around the APC's. Soon, a specialist came over wearing protective equipment and a heavy thermic lance.

After inspecting the lock for a few seconds, he readied his thermic lance and started blasting away at the lock. After 3 uncomfortably long minutes, the specialist paused and examined the lock again.

"What the fuck? How the hell is this possible?" He said bewildered, as the lock he was holding still felt cool to the touch, and barely looked damaged at all.

"Are you stupid or something? How the hell did you fuck up blasting a lock open this bad?" The superior fumed.

"Uh, th-the lock appears to be highly resistant, sir."

"Nothing is resistant if you blast it enough times, get back to it!"

After blasting the lock for another 15 minutes, the metal lock finally gave in, and it fell to the ground with a small thud.

"God damn! Finally!" Exclaimed the specialist, as he lifted his mask to wipe the sweat pouring off his face.

"I assume you're finally done?" The supervisor asked, as he threw his cards onto a makeshift table that he and a few others had set up while the lock was being chipped away at.

He bent over and picked up the melted remains of the lock. Somehow, it was still cool to the touch. "Damn, I don't know what voodoo magic shit this lock is made out of, but I'm pretty sure our scientists would like to know. Ay, Igor, send this scrap back to the researchers!" He tossed the remains of the lock to a soldier to this right.

"Now let's see what's in this thing" He swung open the door. His eyes widened


Location: Unknown

Time: 3:24 PM, Earth Time

Local Time: Unknown

The young imperial mage was sweating extremely hard, not only because he was nervous, which he was, but because of the heavy burden of constantly casting and recasting a spell that blocks out the malicious powers of dark mana. The scroll in his hands would corrupt his mind and turn him into a mindless slave in seconds if he were to ever let his guard down. And if that weren't enough, he also felt a few pairs of eyes, closely watching his every move.

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