Kanej wedding

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They had a lot of serious chats about it mainly because Kaz was scared of doing something big and everyone finding out they were together (he said it was so people wouldn't want to hurt Inej, but he knew she could protect herself, the real reason was he didn't want the dregs to see him smile like a child), but at the end she convinced him of doing a little ceremony at the church of Barter, just the two of them and their closest friends, she wanted to do it so the saints could bless their union and as kind of a simbol and a reminder that they were choosing each other not because of some plan, not because anyone told them they had to but because THEY wanted it.

When Kaz told Jesper he wanted the wedding to be on a rooftop Jesper laughed but then realized he was serious, he then explained that it was Inej's favorite place and if they were doing this it was going to be perfect, so the two of them snuck in the day before and decorate everything while Nina and Wylan helped Inej to decide what to wear. Finally The day arrives and the five of them climb to the roof of the chapel (some more gracefully than others), but when they saw the decorations and the view it was all worth it, it was simple but absolutely beautiful, flowers, a few lights and pillows for them to sit on.

Inej and her parents were the last to arrive, she didn't want to be late but Jesper and Nina convinced her to make a grand entrance, when Kaz saw her a few tears ran through his face and tho he tried his best to hide it he was smiling bigger than ever (which for Kaz isn't a lot but the crows looked very surprised), she looked incredible, Nina had offered one of her dresses but Inej wanted something of her own so with Jesper's help they took her favorite top and pair of pants and alter them a bit, so the outfit didn't change a lot, but her face was pure joy and her hair was half up with a flower at the back; she also cried a bit when she saw Kaz, he was wearing a tuxedo Jasper lended him and of course his crow cane was polished and shiny. Inej hugged her parents, then she stood next to Kaz and they hold hands (they had been working about their trauma together and we're making progress), then her father said a little prayer and just like that it was done, tho they didn't kiss you could feel the love and joy everywhere. After that the eight of them went to get waffles, that day Kaz smiled more that in the last 10 years.

They left the waffle store once it was dark and Kaz and Inej separated from the group to have some time for themselves, they just sat at a rooftop in silence watching the stars with a smile on their faces and then they kissed, it wasn't long or passionate, and most importantly it was with a thin fabric between their lips, but it was all they hopped for and more.

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