I definitely like your stupid face

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Wylan was stressed, he'd been planning this for months, gathering information, asking for the much needed help of Kaz, Inej and Nina, filling not one, not two but three notebooks with Jesper's likes and dislikes, drawings of the decorations from every possible angle and a detailed schedule of how the whole day would go (Inej helped him, it was too much to just keep it inside his head, he was so anxious), every little detail was covered and there was two backup plans in case everything failed, because of course just one back up plan wasn't enough, you could never tell with the crows.

Everything was in place, at this time tomorrow Wylan would be down on one knee asking Jesper to marry him; at the thought his eyes watered a little, he loved this boy so much and he was so happy. The thought of his proposal being denied passed his mind for a second and he panicked, but at that same moment Jesper walked in the room with his big smile and bright eyes, it was almost like light surrounded him and Wylan just melted, all his worries just disappeared replaced by the thought of finally being able to call this man his fiance

"Babe i know I'm pretty but please, you're drooling" Jesper said with a playful smile on his lips.

his face turned red, you'd think he'd be used to the cheese pick up lines but it doesn't matter how hard he tried he blushed every time. The sharpshooter laughed and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, then grabbed a piece of paper that was on the desk and said

"Well, you've been blessed with my presence long enough, i must go now, don't miss me too much" And with a wink he crosed the door and left.

"Sooo, is everything ready? are you excited?"

Wylan hadn't even notice Inej was there until she spoke, but at least he didn't jump like the first time she had done that, that's one thing he'd gotten used to

"I have almost everything, just need to get the flowers, and yes, I'm really excited, i just hope everything goes as planned and that he likes it cause if he doesn't I'm pretty sure I could punch him"

It was true, he'd worked so hard that just thinking about Jesper not liking it was enough to make him cry

"Relax, everything is going to be fine and i know Jesper, he's gonna love it, now go get the flowers, I'll cover for you if he asks" Said Inej with a spark in her eyes.

"Thanks, i really owe you so much, all of you, i really couldn't have done this alone"

She smiled

"That's what friends are for, now go, it's getting dark."

An hour latter Wylan was back with the flowers in hand, blue raspberry orchids, oddly enough Kaz helped picking them, when asked why he knew so much about flowers he said

"I've made deals with almost everyone in town and to make a deal you have to know what you're dealing with."

They decide on the orchids because green was Jesper favourite colour, but really hard to get in a flower, so when they founded this convinaton of teal and blue they loved it, also the bouquet was so vibrant and playful and unique, it was perfect. once inside he went directly to hide it, if Jesper saw him it could ruin the surprise.

Night came, the whole group was downstairs but Wylan was in bed, he was far too anxious and afraid that if Jesper asked what's wrong he would tell him everything, the only thing that calmed him was going over the plan again and again, he would get up early to cook a nice breakfast with waffles and scrambled eggs, they would eat it in bed, then Wylan would say he'd be gone for most of the day cause Kaz needed him for a job, but instead he would be preparing everything, the idea was just a small dinner at the garden, Nina was able to find out Jesper's favorite food and a recipe so she'd be cooking while he and Inej set the table and Kaz distracted Jesper with pointless tasks, then when everything was ready he would put on his suit, a lovely dark green fitted suit, and as soon as he was prepared he'd signal Kaz to take Jesper to the garden, after the meal he'd get down on one knee and show the ring, a beautiful silver ring with "i like your stupid face" engraved inside, if everything went acording to plan it would be perfect, but then as he was falling asleep he heard his name get yelled down stairs so he got up and when he got to the final step of the stairs he literally almost fainted, there was Jesper alone in a black suit with a little box between his hands, then he started speaking with a shaky voice.

"Maybe this is rushed and i know i can be too much to handle but we've been through a lot and i think i know you better than i know most people and i really like you, damn it i love you merchling, you're so brave and smart and cute and you always make me laugh and you see something in me that i can't even see myself, you bring the best in me and i realized i can't stand the thought of loosing you, so Wylan Van Eck, would you marry me?"

He got down on one knee and popped a beautiful golden ring

"I made it myself, it's not perfect but if you want I can make you another one."

Wylan couldn't move or speak, his head was spinning, so he just ran upstairs as fast as he could leaving a very confused Jesper but he was back moments later with his ring.

"I guess we both had the same idea huh?, and yes, of course I'll marry you"

They both smiled bigger than ever and kissed with tears running through their faces and then they just stayed there, both kneeled on the floor looking at each other, untill Jesper broke the silence.

"Please next time answer before running upstairs"

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